The Slowest Movie Ever Made (and my story of how I saw it)
I saw this film when it was out in theaters and to this day, I use it as an example of the slowest moving, most boring movie i have ever sat through. I came on this board tonight because I was watching a film on IFC and when I went to the IMDB page for that movie, this one was listed as one of the five films "You May Also Like". Anyway, here is my 'in the bedroom' story:
I was just out of college and was home for the summer when my friend and I happened upon a small coffee shop about twenty-five minutes away from home. Working in the shop was a beautiful young woman, and her friend who was visiting her at work. So, we talk to the girls, and get their numbers. Over the next few days, my friend calls the girl he met, who promptly tells him to not call her again, lol, and I start talking with the other girl, Jen, every day. Turns out she is 18, and a senior in High School. I visit her at work several times, and we are starting to really like each other, so I asked her out on a more 'formal' date-to the movies. My car ended up in the shop so Jen is going to pick me up for the date to go see 'In The Bedroom'. Well, i'm excited, waiting for her to show up, when the doorbell rings. I open the door and there she is, all dressed up, and she says "We're here! Lets go, I don't want to be late.". I was confused about the "We're", until I get to the car and realize.....her dad is driving. I was 23 years old and my date's DAD is driving us to the movies....but it got worse......Her dad wanted to come IN TO THE MOVIE with us. She actually had to BEG him to go to a different movie. Talk about AWKWARD. Finally, we go in to the movie and we are alone. We sit down and proceed to watch 'In the Bedroom'. Sadly, THAT is when the worst part of the night came to fruition. What seemed like eight hours later, mercifully, the movie ended.
Think this post was long and boring? It makes In The Bedroom look like a high-speed chase. Ten years later (wow, I can't believe it has been THAT long!), and I seriously STILL use this film as a reference point for boring movies. And for anyone that wants to say "Sorry there are no explosions and chases", I LOVE indie films, black and white films, foreign films, etc. I can't stand (the vast majority), of big budget action flicks.