MovieChat Forums > Down (2001) Discussion > best part about this movie

best part about this movie

the best part i found about this movie...being a Marine and an action movie buff is that one of the advisors for it was not just a Marine but the one and only Lt. Pantano, the one and the same that was recently found not guilty for the shooting deaths of the truly guilty Iraqi terror-mongers. it brings a whole new light to the anti-terrorist feeling of the movie when you know that someone involved in the war on terror was involved in a movie that was shot before that phrase even became a mainstay in the media. Semper-fi, carry-on.


Go there. Semper-fi is right.


Weird. Here I was thinking that the best part of the movie was 10 people getting killed by the elevator as it flew through the ceiling of the each his own I guess.


For me, the best part was right after the elevator-crashing-through-the-ceiling thing, when they cut to the White House, and say something like "Ladies & gentlement: the President of the United States..." For a moment there I was sure Leslie Nielsen was gonna come out... too bad that didn't happen, the movie would've been a loooot better if it had.

