I used to watch this show loyally. Looking back, I think the first season was the best.
I liked Michael Rappaport's character (he was cool, I thought), but I dunno...from season 2 and on it just seemed like a different show. I think someone once described it best when they said that the show all of a sudden became about the teacher's personal lives rather than focusing on the stress of their jobs, which was what season 1 was about. I liked it from start to finish, but it really went downhill.
But season 1 was some damn good quality TV. I loved it.
- I still liked Michael Rappaport's character, though. He was interesting.
The first season was definitely the best. Losing Jessalyn Gilsig and Nicky Katt sank this show like a torpedoed ship. Apart from Loretta Devine and Heald and McBride they were the only cast members who gave the show any integrity.
Claiming the first season was the best is not really saying much and although Nicky Katt leaving caused alot of problems, Jessalyn Gilisig was by far the most overrated actress, despite the fact she was still a solid cast member and certainly preferable to the grating Michael Rapaport.
I liked Jeri Ryan and Nicky Katt alot more, but even though I have my favourites and least favourites, I still felt the cast all did a competent job, but they were all screwed by the writers, Fox network and producers.
And genericmailstop2, would you please stop with your pathetic bashing of the later cast additions; the only thing Michael Rapaport or Jeri Ryan did wrong was that they joined the party too late, just when it was all turning to sh-t.
But be my guest, genericmailstop2, and keep cowardly lashing out against the show's scapegoats...
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She is kind of a Ted McGinley, but it's not her fault for the final outcome of the shows she's on, since it all falls down to the producers and writers at the end of the day:
Dark Skies: I don't think Dark Skies really Jumped the Shark as such, also Jeri was an excellent cast addition and many Dark Skies fans looked upon her performance with fondness.
She only turned up in the last half dozen episodes, Dark Skies's ratings were pretty untenable by then and it was going to get cancelled anyway by the time Jeri showed up. I thought she did very well, even though the series was drawing to a close too soon.
I honestly don't think she ruined Dark Skies, because it remained a very entertaining sci-fi series and the threat of instant cancellation hung above it since it's first episode.
And Jeri Ryan was not casted in because of her looks; there was some behind the scenes talk that Megan Ward and Eric Close had "artistic differences" and producers wanted to cast another leading lady.
Voyager: Voyager had the full seven season run, and then was succeded by Enterprise, Seven of Nine was a good replacement to Kes and by most accounts Jeri Ryan's addition to that show was widely considered a success.
Voyager never really "Jumped the Shark", since I never found the later seasons of that show any worse or less inconsistant than the earlier seasons. And it was never cancelled.
Boston Public: I heard many people who felt Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport were both decent additions to Boston Public, but they felt Boston Public itself was a crappy show to begin with.
I thought the cast was very solid and competent, but the show itself was not that great due to the banal writing that was only fit enough to entertain canines. I thought Season One and Four of Boston Public were slightly good, while Season Two and Three were utter sh-t.
And Boston Public did "Jump the Shark" but it did it with alarming frequency. You could say Boston Public "Jumped the Shark" when Jeri and Mike signed up, but then again you could say Boston Public "Jumped the Shark" when Harry Senate fired a gun in class, Milton Buttle got fired and Lauren Davis got stalked.
Then there was the incident with Meridith Peters cutting off her hand, then all the teachers began singing. Boston Public jumped over the fin yet again when David E. Kelly left in Season Three, Danny Hanson talks about being mollested by a priest, Sh-tney Houston pays a visit and Harry Senate leaves.
Then Boston Public does another round of shark jumping when the geniuses at Fox decided to shift it to Fridays, students start raping each other or get electrocuted then pretend they are Jesus and they bring in a bitchy Hispanic teacher.
Boston Public was never a great show to begin with and it makes me upset that great actors such as Chi McBride, Anthoney Heald, Jeri Ryan and Nicky Katt would waste their talents on such a terrible series.
And I've heard the opinions of many TV critics and people who felt that Jeri Ryan did an excellent job on that series, despite the series being in serious decline. And Nicky Katt was thinking of opting out of the series from a very early stage, which would partially explain why David E. Kelly made the cast changes that he did.
And Married with Children lasted for six seasons after Ted McGineley's casting you dummy.
The first season was not all that great, although it was it was more solid than the even more horrid later seasons.
I think Jessalyn Gilsig was "overrated" in that I honestly did not know what the fuss was about with her character, also I never found her to be as good as either Chi McBride, Nicky Katt, or even Jeri Ryan although to be fair Jessalyn Gilsig was still a solid cast member for the most part and she was far more preferable to Kathy Baker's odious Hook Lady and Michael Rapaport.
And she was more of a help than a hinderence to show and by the time she left, the series dug itself even deeper into the pit. But she knew the writing was on the wall for Boston Public and that's why she left the series alongside Nicky Katt who was seemingly impatient to leave show ever since the first season.
I thought Jeri Ryan and Michael Rappaport were both solid cast additions, but it was their misfortune that they came into the show at a very bad time when David E. Kelly was starting to lose it; the only reason Season One was half decent was because David E. Kelly was more tuned in and hadn't run out of good ideas yet. Season Two and Three was worse, because David E. Kelly was tuning out and he abandoned the show in the third season.
Season Four was an "Indian Summer" for Boston Public, but like you said, Boston Public never had a chance to fully recover since it was cancelled relatively soon after.
Agree with everything you are saying about Boston Public. Where did you hear that Nicky Katt was opting out of the series early on? During what season did he start to say he was thinking of leaving, and how did that affect cast changes?
I think he was ready to leave as relatively early as Season Two, he started taking roles in other projects and that's perhaps why David E. Kelly casted Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport for Season Two, to pick up the slack.
And Boston Public had a ensemble cast line up anyway, so the producers assumed that adding new cast members was a good enough gamble. A gamble that did not really pay off because neither Jeri Ryan nor Michael Rapaport could reverse the overall decline of the series.
However the more narrow minded of the BP fans who were not especially bright had convienient scapegoats to pick on, which could partially explain the wildly overblown, absurd criticism directed at the new cast members in Season Two.
Ah, that is why he became so scarce, and his character seemed to deteriorate. Think if they had had a different actor in the role from the start, that the series would be better off?
Agree about Jeri Ryan, never minded her character that much. It isn't her fault that she came in around the same time as the Hook Lady debacle, which I feel did more damage than Jeri Ryan
Michael Rapaport I had a hard time getting used to, I found his character annoying first season, but by fourth season I was used to him. The rivalry between him and Loretta Devine's character, Marla Hendricks was well done.
Jeri Ryan was the victim of bad timing and unlucky circumstance; if Nicky Katt decided to stay, if the quality of the writing remained high, if Jeri Ryan was introduced with a more realistic character and there was no Hook Lady, I am certain Jeri Ryan would've been much better received.
But no, it was all going wrong for Boston Public and she was just made an easy target for the more spiteful, bullying and irrational fans to mercilessly lash out against.
And I thought Kathy Baker was a decent actress that was badly misused, and like Jeri Ryan she was screwed over that hopeles hack, David E. Kelly.
I thought Kathy Baker was a decent actress who did nothing wrong, it was not her fault that David E. Kelley took her character in such a surreal direction; her turning into the Hook Lady and then having a sadistic "relationship" with Anthony Heald's character was taking it a little too far.
Shows how f--king ignorant you are ibanez 92 since Kathy Baker was with the series to begin with, plus saying the first season of Boston Public was the best is like saying groin rash is better than the syphilis that follows.
Boston Public was somewhat more watchable in it's earlier seasons, but it was never great television even in it's first season; quite frankly I actually thought the first season of Enterprise was more dignified and grounded in gritty realism than BP ever was.
I thought the cast and premise was very good though, but David E. Kelley once again destroyed it all and the later cast additions (Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport) unfairly get the blame for Kelley's incompetence.
What ignorant crap you are saying is falling on deaf ears; to be fair Boston Public was a fairly decent series to begin with when it was a little more tightly written, but it was never a truly great series to begin with if it fell apart so quickly.
And Boston Public was going to crash and burn, with or without Jeri Ryan; it was not really her fault that she joined the series when it was in the middle of a very bad patch.
And here's an interesting comment about Jeri Ryan from the mostly irrevelent "Jump the Shark" website:
I don't know if all the hostility towards this TV show is just the work of one poster with many aliases who hates singing or if everyone really is turning on this show, but I would have to say that 'Boston Public' suffers from the same syndrome that afflicts every David E. kelley show that lasts for 2 seasons or more: the self-imposed need to top itself. 'The Practice' concocted shouting contests and cases more and more outlandish and sensational, 'Chicago Hope' got more and more bizarre, 'Ally McBeal' gave us pygmies and made Ally a mother... 'Boston Public' brought us stories about murderous students being targeted by police snipers, students involved in incest and most infamously, the Hook Lady. David E. Kelley likes to work with certain people, and Kathy Baker is a fine actress, but the character she played typifies what has gone wrong with this show. Kelley himself has even jumped ship to refocus on 'The Practice.' I am perfectly willing to be entertained by a show that doesn't use the screeching African American woman to preach, doesn't develop creepy romances between misfit Vice Principles and insane disabled women and doesn't think an out of nowhere riot between jocks and activists breaking out in a season premiere is good TV. These are some of the problems with the show. Adding a New Kid on the Block who isn't a very good actor will help as much as replacing Robert Downey Jr. with four faceless characters helped 'Ally.' I will stick my head out and praise Nicky Katt (who will probably leave this show soon), Chi McBride (making the best of an easy overshadowed character) and Jeri Ryan (she is getting so much undue flak for being physically striking. Star Trek fans dealt with that and realised she is a very good, award-winning actress, so too should her critics who won't look past her ample attributes) for their contributions thus far. But I seriously doubt I'll be watching for much longer. The Hook Lady was the last straw, and even though she looks to be gone, the show has fallen apart. I actually cared about my teachers - I just feel sorry for these people.
I can't quote the rest, because quiet frankly half the posters were as batsh-t insane as you, ibanez 92. And people were brainlessly bashing Jeri Ryan shortly before she even joined the show, plus I did not find Ronnie Cooke any worse than Danny Hanson, Lauren Davis or Harry Senate.
And isn't it odd that far, far more people are voting "the Hook Lady" and "Day One" more than "Jeri Ryan"?
It's demonstarting that Boston Public was a crap series to begin with and was sinking fast, plus most new cast additions were used as convenient scapegoats no matter how well they did playing their characters.
Boston Public was a dumb series watched by dumb people.
I watched the 1st season and told alot of people to start watching it. I was embarrassed for doing so. The show became a parody of it's self. The people that watched it because of me, still think im nuts. Geez that damn hook lady!
The first season was the best but the writing was always on edge. That is what made the show exciting but the Jeremy Peter storyline went over the edge.
I totally agree with your post. Season 1 was fantastic and parts of Season 2 were good. However, I completely lost interest in the show during Season 3. Too many character changes.