MovieChat Forums > Boston Public (2000) Discussion > Least Favorite Character?

Least Favorite Character?

Who is/are your least favorite character(s), and why? Here are my picks:

1> Scott Guber: sometimes I like, sometimes I don't. On account of NOT liking Guber, he's prissy, uptight, and at times insensitive to other people's feelings. No wonder why he didn't get that headmaster's job at Exeter.

2> Danny Hanson: just about everything he says, while at times funny, comes off as arrogant/opinionated to me (arrogance happens to be my pet peeve).

3> Meredith Peters: she locks her son in the basement and says she's doing it for his own good (there are other ways to get your kids to concentrate on schoolwork, y'know!). 'Nuff said (no offense to Stan Lee).

4> Superintendent Marsha Shinn: in the simplest terms, she's a snob, or as Marla puts it -- a "stuck-up ice queen."

Who is/are your least favorite character(s), and why?


i actually don't have a character i really don't like.sometimes harry gehts on my nerves with his depression.


I forget his character name but he was played by Joey Mcintyre. He never had much to do and when he finally had a story line it was boring and weak. Didn't not like the whole love triangle between him/ student/ and student mom.


oh yeah joey mcintyre was irrrrrrritating!

guber is super, he runs the show, i mean "the" show, makes it more interesting to watch i'd say

who's ur fav?



My Favs Would Be:

Jessalyn Gilsig as Lauren Davis.
Michael Rapaport as Danny Hansen.
Chi McBride as Steven Harper.

Top three but I also really like Guber, Lipshitz, Marla Hendricks and Ms. Sudor.



Hello, jhanse.

I believe the character's name was Colin Flynn. I really enjoyed all the characters in the sense that I found them all to be interesting. I agree with many posters that some characters were not given enough to do, or were made to be either unbelievable or irritating.


So far, over here it's aired till middle/end third season,
but my faves are:
Lauren Davies, Harry Senate and Ronnie Cooke
I also like Marcie, Lisa Grier and Marilyn Sudor

I don't have really someone I don't like, every charakter has it's own positive aspect

This series makes me yell at my TV, and that doesn't happen very often


"I'm da vampire slayer" - "Nice cover story, but here's a tip: Try it on someone who's not the REAL slayer"


My leasr favourite character was Ronnie Cooke. Not that I blame the talented actress, Jeri Ryan, she's smashing. But the character was just so unrealistic and did not fit in, Ronnie Cooke partially ruined the show, not that "Boston Public" was that great to begin with. Jeri Ryan was stella in "Voyager" though.


Am i the only one that thinks Marla is the worst ? I can't stand the way she yells, cuts people off, and just is completley annoying


I agree with upser18. I can't stand Marla Hendrix. She's annoying. Danny Hanson had it right. I think she's a racist. She's a bully. She thinks she can say anything just because she's a little nuts and people are too polite to talk back to her. And she's far too abrasive.


I would have to go with Milton Buttle. His character was ugly, and he just looked like a perv. Can't believe no one said his name? A close second would be Harper's daughter. She just frustrated me with some of her storylines.


Actually..I think I'm starting to really hate Lauren...I'm not entirely sure why, though. I'm re-watching every episode I've downloaded, and just passed the "stress/drugs" episode (Chapter 38) and Marla had mentioned that she has a "quiet, punishing" way. Well, those words made sense to me...big time. She really does!! She is prissy..and seemingly high-maintenance.

Anyway...I guess I just wanted to vent a little bit.

My favorites are Steven Harper, Danny Hansen, and Billy Zane's character!! (He's the man)

That was the hardest thing about watching "Waiting"...I really didn't enjoy seeing Chi McBride in that kind of a "silly" role. After watching him for years in BP, I take him very seriously.

If you'd like to know how to download the entire's very simple...send me a note, and I'll guide you through it!


Harry Senate bugged the *beep* out of me around the time that he was keeping that prostitute in his home. His depression was too deep, and it kinda killed the show. Ronnie Cooke was really annoying, too. Who was Ms Torres again? That wasn't the one reeeeaaallly young brunette teacher?
Viva le Taureau!




Yup, you said it, Ms. Torres was horrid. More irritaiting than Ronnie Cooke often was and even more irritating than the overrated Lauren Davis.



is it me or Mr Guber looks like George W. Bush??

hahaha.. anyway.. my least fave yeah.. it has to be Ms Torres, she just gave to the latins a bad name :(


Sharon Leal's character was pretty forgettable. And was Ronnie Cooke universally despised by Boston Public's fan base?


Am I the only one who liked Ms Woods????

Ms Torres was a big stereotype to me.

And that student aid that was in about 2 episodes between Marcy and Becky looked like a clown. Bad make-up job.


Yep, Anthony Heald is definately the go-to guy for any parodies about the George W Bush Administration.


Come to think of it, none of the characters are truly likeable, with only a few exceptions. I loved Jeri Ryan, but I thought her Ronnie Cooke character was too cheesy and written in a very shallow manner, Ronnie added little to the show, despite Jeri being a decent actress and doing an admirable job with the material at hand. I am still baffled to why Lauren Davis was a such a popular character, she was such a simpering off beam wreak, so darn overrated, Jessalyn Gilsig easily melted away into the background after the casting of Jeri Ryan. Danny Hanson was too darn annoying and we saw too much of him and his dysfunctional family, I wanted him to shut up.

Scott Guber was really great and I liked Marla. Harvey Lipschultz was entertaining as the eccentric bigot and Chi McBride should have won an Emmy Award, at least three times in a row, for his role as Head Principle Steven Harper. And of course Harry Senate should have stayed, even though his character was running out of stories and he was becoming a bit too one note in his final few episodes. However I f--king hated the Hook Lady, Sh-tney Houston, Ms. Torres, that Austin Powers Dwarf, the guy from New Kids on the Block (hey at least he had a Boston accent!), and Tamya Grey (why did they need a singer!?). It was not a coincidence that most of those awful characters were featured in the Third (Turd) Season of BP, the moment Boston Public imploded and never fully recovered.

All in all, Boston Public was a pretty so-so show, even in it's consistently better first couple of seasons. I was not surprised on how quickly the show went down the tubes, but at least it had a few memorable characters and good episodes. I think if the stories could have remained realistic, and if writing quality remained very good, then that the show could have adapted to cast changes and kept on going. The thing is, Boston Public never could adapt to numerous cast changes and that was partially responsible for it's downfall, even though the casting of Jeri Ryan, Jon Abrehams and even Michael Rapaport was not necessarily a bad thing. I mostly blame the terrible writing and stupid plots in later seasons, rather than the cast as an whole for Boston Public taking a huge nose dive and getting cancelled.



My faves: Harper, Guber, Lauren, Louisa, Dana Poole, the cheerleading coach and her friend/assistant, Meredith, Debbie (Danny Hansen's pet student), Sheryl Holt, Lisa Greer, Brooke, Marcy and Mickey (the girl that posed nude for the magazine).

Didn't care for Ronnie, Danny, or the pretty-boy teachers they brought on board later.

I could take or leave Lipschutz, Marilyn, Marla, Harry and Milton Buttle.

Liked the perky Karen-Valentine-like teacher they brought in for a while late in the show and the mother that seduced one of the teachers.

Don't remember caring about the rest.


My favorite is Ronnie Cooke. She was so smart. In fact, I liked all of the characters, for different reasons, except Ms. Torres. She got in EVERYONE's business and then when that narcotics cop died and all she talked about was drugs. I totally saw that coming. And then she was a recovering alchoholic? Yeah, too predictable.



juanfranbs: "I didn't like Ronnie Cooke, she didn't add anything good to the show, she was the lamest character"

Juanfranbs, why was Ronnie a very lame character? Do you blame the actress (Jeri Ryan), or the very shallow and bad writing?*

If you blame the writing, rather than the actress, juanfarnbs, then you get no aurgument from me.

I felt Jeri Ryan was saddled with a badly written character and genrally lame plots, Jeri deserved better.

*David E Kelly's female characters are often weak or badly written.



It's a shame, Jeri Ryan was a first rate actress. She signed the dotted line, hoping that she would get a gig on a solid TV show, playing a good character, but David E Kelly had to have her character as a straight forward slut that just slept around and not be a realistic teacher.

And yes, Nicky Katt was lucky to have a very good character in the form of Harry Senate to play around with, and David E Kelly can be a good writer, Boston Public had a very good first season, but it's too bad Mr. Kelly can't hold it all together.

And it's a pity that Jeri Ryan had to be cast as shallow babe, let's hope she goes onto more worthwhile things in future.


Just incase you haven't heard Jeri Ryan has scored a recurring role on The O.C. Her first episode will be on the season premier.


Marla, Guber, Harper and Hanson were my favorites. Especially marla! Her attitude all the way around just cracked me up and especially anytime where her and Hanson were fighting. Sensational!

Least favorite would probably be Joey Mcintyre's character and that other guy who came on in like the third season.

Everyone else was pretty alright with me!


My favorite characters are Milton, Kevin and Zach.
Sheryl Holt's websites about him were the best and funniest and Joey Slotnick
played the freak very well.
Kevin was a good friend and a good coach. Thomas McCarthy's role was a bit boring, it wasn't a pain in the neck like Marla.
And Jon Abrahams was a dream teacher: good looking and funny. He was like a pupil, especially in the first episodes.
Maybe Harvey was sometimes funny, but all in all I didn't like him.


I must be the only Marla Hendryx fan... thought she was hilarious. Don't see what all the fuss is about Ronnie Cook, tho. She had her moments, but i doubt you'd call her BP's best character.


I liked Marla as well, since she was played by the first rate character actress, Lorette Devine.

And although Jeri Ryan is very sexy and a great actress, her Ronnie Cooke character was nothing too special, I agree. Ronnie Cooke was too unrealistic, too contrived and like any David E Kelly character introduced to one of his shows after the first season , is just some pretty young thing that sleeps around. But I still prefered Ronnie to the somewhat overrated Lauren Davis (Jessalyn Gilsig is still very good by the way, it's only I find Jeri somehow more charismatic) and Ronnie was certainly much better than the highly overrated Marilyn Sudor (although Sharon Leal is not awful).


No you're not - I liked Marla too - loved it when she called Scott a big giant *** (season 1). She was probably the only one who dared to tell him off.

Faves: Marla, Marilyn, Steven Harper

Least faves: Milton Buttle - no spine; Meredith Peters - creeeeeepy

So-so with the rest. Louisa is fine, but not the most favourite.


I also like Marla. I love the way she spoke what was on her mind. My favorite character though is Marylin followed by Steven and then Danny. I wish the show could have continued so Steven and Marylin's relationship could have developed more.

Least favorite character: Meredith Peters and Milton Buttle


I don't like Mrs Parks.
"Smell that shoe!"


I hate Becky! She was sooo damn annoying, I never talked to my teachers like she did, who does she think she is?

And Ms. Torres, wanting to be the psicologist when noone asked her to.

Oh and I forgot Ms. Sudor. She was cool before she started dating Harper, but after that she went all bossing around like she was the principal.

.×°Ă—Arriba el sol, abajo el reflejo de como estalla mi alma×°Ă—.


Favorites: Harper, Guber, Lauren Davis, Harry Senate, Harvey Lipschultz, Marla Hendricks.

Hate: Ronnie Cook (Ryan is VERY off-putting to me and looks like a fish), Danny Hanson, and pretty much all of the 3rd season's new teachers. Abrahams is a cutie but I don't care for his character; he plays too young.


What nasty comments to make about Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport, manifan1...

Sure the sudden cast changes were off putting, but why do you have to bitch and moan about innocent cast members who were not really responsible for the death of a hokey school drama that was going down the crapper anyway?

The undue flack Mike and Jeri received was the result of very bad timing; Boston Public was *already* going off the rails and the addition of these two cast members at the start of Season Two fanned the flames of discontent. David E. Kelly was the man responsible for ruining Boston Public, but he cynically casted Michael Rapaport and Jeri Ryan so that they could take the fall and not him; Jeri Ryan and Michael Rapaport were both scapegoats, plain and simple, they were just scapegoats for the malcontents to blame everything on.


Ronnie Cook by far was my least favorite character. This is coming from someone who isn't an acting buff of anything, but I thought her acting was over-the-top and totally unbeliveable. Also this may sound shallow, but she was portrayed as sort of a "hot" teacher in the show, but I thought she was so ugly it was distracting, with those damn bug eyes.....eeehhgg.

The hook lady was bad....the idea, the plot, the acting...c'mon.

but with all the stuff I thought was rediculous about the show, I still couldn't stop watching...


I had no problems with Jeri Ryan, but she was only doing what the dumb script was telling her and she does not not have bug eyes as such, no more than Sharon Leal or Michael Rapaport. I like Jeri's eyes, they are deep and expressive.

And I certainly did not think Jeri Ryn overracted any more than the rest of the cast as such, since I always felt Boston Public was an exercise in melodramatic acting anyway.

And Ronnie Cooke was an unconvincing character not really because of the actress, but mostly through David E. Kelly's hack writing.


I can except opinions about anything, but saying that Jeri Ryan does not have more bugged-out eyes Sharon Leal or Michael Rapaport is just wrong. You can like them all you want, but try to be a little realistic.


I can except opinions about anything, but saying that Jeri Ryan does not have more bugged-out eyes Sharon Leal or Michael Rapaport is just wrong. You can like them all you want, but try to be a little realistic.

I prefer Jeri Ryan's so-called "bug eyes" over small and beady eyes any day. I think blue saucer eyes are more striking, expressive and attractive than tiny pig eyes.

Other popular actors such as Elijah Wood, Michelle Pfieffer, Liv Tyler, Naomi Watts, Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi, Tobey Maguire and Nicholas Cage also have bright blue saucer eyes as well. Those actors are widely seen as striking looking by most people, despite the fact you find people with "bug-eyes" as "unattractive", ibenez 92.


you seem to be misunderstanding why her eyes disgust me. it's not the size of her eyes. Big eyes are fine, but when they look like they are protruding out of her head almost to the point where you could just wrap your fingers around them and slide them out of her skull, I find it just a litte off-putting. Also I never mentioned anything about small beady eyes.


Her eyes don't protrude out of her sockets to the point of wraping your fingers around them. But she's got quite heavy and rounded eye lids if that what you mean. I certainly don't find her eyes or the rest of her face repulsive.

And I don't mind people with slightly odd facial features, and all the actors I mentioned earlier got the same kind of eyes to Jeri Ryan, especially Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi and Elijah Wood.


I guess we can agree to disagree on this one, greg. I'm not sure why you're mentioning all these succesful actors with big eyes. I never said you couldn't be succesful and have big gross eyes. You just have to not have them for me to be not repulsed.


I guess we can agree to disagree on this one, greg.

Then disagree with me all you want, ibanez 92.

I can't take your opinions seriously if you have a funny taste in how people should look. That sounds pretty facist if you ask me.

I thought Jeri Ryan was most misunderstood and unfairly lambasted cast member in Boston Public in the manner she got criticised by a minority of bigoted and narrowminded fans. Of course other people such as the vast majority of Boston Public fans and TV critics never cited Jeri Ryan as the problem and blamed the real culprit for the decline of Boston Public; David E. Kelly.

If you have a problem with Jeri's big boobs, giant lips and round eyes let's look at the physical "imperfections" of the rest of the cast shall we? Physical imperfections such as Anthony Heald's receeding hairline, Chi McBride's bald head, Lorret DeVine's fatness and having big googly eyes similar to Jeri's, Michael Rapaport's thin, lanky body, Fyvush Finkel's large banna nose and Jessalyn Gilsig's grating, whiney voice.

Now despite their silly little flaws I still like that cast line up and I thought they all did a good job in the face of Boston Public's abominable writing quality. I thought Season One was great, but even then it was starting to slide into mediocrity shortly before the introduction of Jeri Ryan, although Season Two was not bad if you drowned out the singing and ignored the exploits of Meredith Peters. Season Three was the only season I genuinely disliked although by Season Four the series seemed to be getting back on track, but of course the genuises at FOX sh-t canned it.


Hahaha. Greg no need to get so defensive here. I was also never blaming the downfall of the show on anyones looks. And if by facist you meant fascist, how does not thinking someone is attractive constitute fascism? Because you think otherwise? I don't know why you're citing unattractive features in other cast members as a defense, I never praised them over anybody.

It seems you don't understand the phrase "agree to disagree". It simply means you think one way, and I think another. I also seems you don't understand what an opinion is. You say you can't take my opinion seriously because I have a funny taste in how people should look? It's funny that I don't think girls who look like a blowfish are attractive? Again, it's "funny" because you think otherwise?

So please, learn to respect the fact that everyone has thier own opinion and stop trying to "prove" your own. I think she looks like a blowfish, GET OVER IT.


Jeri does not look like a blow-fish.

Why do you single out Ronnie Cooke as "least favourite" when there are equally weak or absurd characters in the form of Danny Hanson, Lauren Davis, Marylin Sudor and Harper's daughter?

And why do you deem Jeri Ryan a "ugly" when in fact she is a reasonably attractive (if vaguely odd looking) cast member in a cast line up of actors & actresses that are either odd or plain looking anyway?

I'm sorry I can't take your opinions seriously if you are a prejudiced guy with a highly biased and essentially irrational dislike of Jeri Ryan.


C'mon now, you're still being irrational. People have opinions, because they differ from your own does not make them "wrong" anymore then it makes yours "right" because there is no right and wrong, so I don't see why you're trying to "prove" anything. I think she looks like a blowfish, you don't, fine. She's my least favorite character on the show, she's not yours, fine. Not liking her doesn't make me biased, I have nothing to gain by not liking her.


The misplaced malice directed at Jeri Ryan by some Boston Public fans amounts to little more than scapegoating. It's rather pathetic, since David E. Kelly is the real culprit for the decline of series, but no, you freaks had to pick on a easy and essentially innocent target...
