MovieChat Forums > Boston Public (2000) Discussion > DEK is a right wing mole

DEK is a right wing mole

Since it is the doldrums of August and we all are waiting for season 4 to start lets take a little trip into the dark recesses of the mind of David E. Kelly.
DEK is part of the television production division of Twentieth Century Fox, which has been owned by Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate, The News Corporation Ltd., since 1985. Now isn’t it unusual that DEK has been highly praised by many posters here for being critical of FOX yet he is personal friends with Murdoch his boss. Perhaps we are seeing the glimpse of a conspiracy of epic proportions of perhaps the greatest disinformation campaign ever seen in history.
Yes, it is my contention that DEK is a “Right Wing” fanatic that is a
“mole” that has been planted into leftwing Hollywood by Murdoch.
I can name numerous storys from TP and BL that will back up my statement. But for now lets just go over a few.
Starting in season 1 of TP Bobby defends Gerald Braun a Jew who gunned downed a man in cold blood. In this case Bobby (DEK) use’s “jewish defence syndrome” there implying jews are the chosen people and above the law made by gentiles. All though DEK through his genius makes it seem that he is sympathetic to Jews this defence leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the viewing gentile public, there by leaving in viewers sub conscience thinking “Those Jews think their special”. Then on top of all this DEK introduces Norman Lloyd (Rabbi D.A. Asher Silverman) as the prosecutor. Lloyds personal appearance looks like he was a poster boy for Gobbles anti Jewish posters from the Third Reich, he even wore a Yarmulke. This closeted anti Semitism of Kellys goes back to Picket Fences with the loathsome Fyvush Finkel as Douglas Wambaugh.
Another big case is when Eugene had to defend a famous Jewish Rabbi against a rape charge. A rape of a black woman. In this 2 parter we get to meet the temples elders which DEK portrayed in vicious stereotypical light. One “elder” even argued with Eugene over the cost the firm was charging.
At first glance of these shows it doesn’t seem that DEK is doing much wrong but once you sit back and look at it over again you can see the Machiavellian mind of DEK’s at work. Truly Hitler or Stalin would’ve loved to have DEK in their propaganda ministrys.
It is obvious to me that Rupert Murdoch jewel in his propaganda machine is the right wing genius of David E. Kelly.

My next article will be about DEK anti gay bias.


Oh yeah and your a douche bag.


Therapy is much more affordable than people often think and is usually well worth the money. Just some words of wisdem for you, jimmyberluti1.


My next blog will be comming soon.


comming soon


Spare us. We don't care about your one sided views.

"When you hit somebody with a knife, that's called stabbing." CHOKE
