DVD release?

Did this ever get released on DVD? Everytime I'm at bestbuy or target I check but never see it. They have the stupidest shows out on DVD now and it would really surprise me that they wouldn't release it! I would buy it in a heart beat! I'm watching it right now on tv....


Season 1 is listed on Amazon but the release date is not shown/known.


I don't think it's ever gonna get released. There's problems with music liscensing. I loved this show. It was the first dramatic TV series that I would not miss for anything. Sadly, I doubt it will ever make it to DVD.


At this point, you're probably right, but they could potentially end up just using different music. I think Joan of Arcadia's DVDs are chock full of music that wasn't in the original airings.

Also I believe Freaks & Geeks took so long to come out because the wanted to secure rights to ALL the music.


I don't think it's the music in the background, I believe it's the music that they sing at the end of each episode. Meaning the songs the characters would sing on screen. That's much harder to get around.


u can get it online at the following site www.tvdvdworld.tv its the entire series for very reasonable price, hope that helps


That does help! Thank you!


be cautious when looking into the bootleg versions. This has not had an official release and what you'd be getting is a version recorded from TV and the quality could be questionable. Just a heads up. I bought the series from one of these websites and was really dissappointed. I knew they were bootlegged when I bought them but had hoped for some sort of descent quality. I will still buy it when it does finally get a release.

Shall We Begin?


Which site was it?


there might be some hope in the future for a boston public dvd...not basing this on anything other than seeing that another david e. kelly show, ally mcbeal is being released on dvd. it, too apparently had major issues with rights to music.
