Favorite Student

out of all the various students that were featured as characters over various seasons, who was your favorite?

I was Elected to lead, not to read
President Schwarzenegger


Dana Pool for obvious reasons.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


Dana Poole



Lisa Grier and Rainy :)


Lisa Grier because she's the biggest smoke show in human history. Seriously beautiful.

"Clark has more issues than Rolling Stone." - Chloe Sullivan


Sheryl Holt.


I liked the black kid in season one that gave the commencement speech. When harper went to him about harvey being a bigot, harper asked, "doesnt it bother you that he said he would get your BLACK ass into college?" The kid was like, "No... cause he WILL get my black ass into college". Then of course, he went on the debate team.. and was great :)


Played by Antwon Tanner. I kept seeing him as Skillz from One Tree Hill.

Also loved Wesley Jonathan as Tyronn in season 1.
His scenes with Senate, and the way they bookended Killin Me Softly in the episode where he died... Brilliant.

-----πŸ‘€ πŸ’ You're a real... dame... Lois Lane... πŸ’ πŸ‘€-----
