MovieChat Forums > Rollerball (2002) Discussion > What happened in the 5 mins I was peelin...

What happened in the 5 mins I was peeling an orange?

lmao. Hey, I didn't think this movie was THAT bad. I'd say it's a little worse than Robocop 2 but better than Face/Off.

About 45 mins into it (at the scene where some dude w/ a gun jumps them at Aurora's friend's apartment), I was peeling an orange and accidentally sprayed myself in the eyeball. So I got up to get a towel, and when I got back it was like I missed some key scene or something.

Could someone tell me what happened between then & the game when LL Cool J gets hospitalized? Was there like some big explanation that I missed? Coz all of a sudden, everyone's trying to run away.




Better than Face/Off? Are you mad?


What happened was some guy threw Aurora off her bike and made it start to spray gas and set it on fire and then Rid saw Aurora and had to help her so he got on his motorcycle and threw her off of her and went over a glass window and that is why he was hospitalized.

A grown man who runs around the city dressed as a bat clearly has issues.


Gotch. Thanks, roc. So I guess that's how they figure out that the game is rigged, and so they decide to skip town. Makes a little more sense now. But overall, I think my orange-juice-in-the-eyeball was just as good. :P

P.S. kevinx... Face/Off wouldn't have been so bad if theyda cut out the part about removing someone's face and transplanting it onto someone else along with a voice change, nosejob & full hair transplant. Preposterous. But I guess one look at Michael Jackson could sway the argument...


No Problemo

A grown man who runs around the city dressed as a bat clearly has issues.


It was still a great movie . Michael Jackson of course of course.


"pulp can move, baby!" (george from a seinfeld episode where he gets sprayed)
