Bottom 100 - No Way

This movie wasn't that bad to be in the bottom 100


Sorry was utterly horrible. Well deserving to be in the bottom 100.


This movie is better than bottom 100. It sucked, let's be honest, but it is reasonably fun. The current rankings compare it to "Manos: Hands of fate" ( obviously came out at a time when most americans didn't realize Manos is just the word for hands in retarded )


It sucked, let's be honest, but it is reasonably fun.

No, it is reasonably sh-t. There are no two ways about it. This movie is awful and is perfectly suited to a worst movies list. I'm sure the IMDB list isn't the only one it's made either.


No this movie is deserving of the top 100 most terrible movies ever. I'm sure that me and my friends could make a better film with a thirty-pack, a blunt, and a camcorder.

"I can run like the wind blows"


yeah guys so vote against to this movie.more "1"'s


Watch the real Rollerball (1975), then tell me this doesn't blow chunks!


the ORIGINAL rollerball sucked. ive watched it several times, and all but the first were an attempt to try and like it. it didnt work. ok, the original isnt so bad, but it pails and i mean PAILS in comparison to this one. LL is awesome as always, chris klein is surprisingly watchable, and how can you go wrong with jean? This movie is fast, fun, and the good guys win in the end, all of which the original did not have. the original tried to make you think where there was nothing to think about, it was just plain slow in moments with no substance (the entire film). Fun? No.... the original was depressing. Now granted the good guys should not always win, that can get boring. but when u have a movie like the original where the entire time its depressing, the main character is depressed, his best guy gets killed and theres hardly any revenge, or atleast no emotion in the revenge, anyways.... you need a pick me up. dont get me wrong, i can get into depressed films... artsy ones maybe, certainly ones with substance, but again, the original has no substance. they play a game, some die, the movie ends. art? we have a pallet of 70s crap. its like a fat guy in a thong- no one wants to see it. oh, and since yall are calling on ur ahole friends to give this one more 1s just because, im gonna go give the original a one. no it doesnt deserve it, but i figure that will help off set ur unfair balance.


This is perhaps the worst movie I have ever seen in my life and I've seen a lot of terrible movies. It's well deserving of the bottom 100. Give me Troll 2 over this rubbish any day.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


Yeah - this is the worst movie ever in my opinion.

This is the worst movie of all time because it could quite easily have been a good movie. You can't compare it to movies that were made with no good actors and no budget, or had a crappy premise to start with.

Movies like "Glitter" and "Crossroads" were always going to be bad - they were movies made as vehicles for pop singers who wanted to have a movie of their own but had no creativity to actually back it up. Noone ever thought that a movie by Mariah Carey or Britney Smears was going to be quality.

Even a pathetic pile like "Who's Your Caddie" or the Wayans Brothers travesties like "White Chicks" can be forgiven because at least you can follow the story - sure - it's juvenile, one-dimensional and kind of racist - but what else did you expect? It was written all over those movies from the start.

You're given lemons - you make lemonade, add a lot of sugar to sweeten it up and hope enough thirsty people are around to buy it so that you break even.

McTiernan's "Rollerball" had a real hollywood budget and a real story to work with - even some real actors (not Chris Klein of course who makes Keanu Reeves look like Sir Laurence Olivier).

To continue the lemon analogy, in contrast McTiernan got grapes from Épernay, France and managed somehow to make a poisonous blend of something cheap and nasty with a large quantity of methanol and anti-freeze which smells like bleach, vomit, cow urine and bat guano.

This is a remake of a 1975 sci-fi great - a movie with a strong plot and some great acting - a particularly memorable performance from academy award nominee, James Caan as "Jonathan E".
The 1975 movie also had something this remake made a pathetic stab at trying to replicate - the 1975 movie had a message - the message is still relevant 22 years later; with reality TV today and the current trend of violent sports almost certainly that message is more meaningful.

The 1975 "Rollerball" is in the same class as 1971's "The Andromeda Strain" - perhaps just a spot below absolute sci-fi masterpieces like "Blade Runner", the first "The Matrix" and 1968's "2001 - A Space Odyssey", but still well up there in the great sci-fi movies.

As for the travesty that is this 2002 movie - you could take "Leprachaun 4: In Space" and have a more coherent storyline, "Baby Geniuses 2: Superbabies" and have more believable characters, and Mariah Carey's "Glitter" or Britney Spears' "Crossroads" and get a more meaningful message.

None of the acting is at all convincing.
LL Cool J and Rebecca Romijn are not great - but neither are they terrible actors but in this they are terrible, even the great Jean Reno is one-dimensional and lacks any direction at all in his performance - they really "phoned in" their performances.

The script, if you can call it that, is absolutely atrocious - there is not a meaningful line to work with. The lines don't hang together in a logical fashion at all.

The direction and editing are sickening bad - there is constant cutting from shot to shot without any structure which leaves you confused, disorientated - and quite possibly nauseated.

It should be quite easy to convey how the central point of the movie - the Rollerball games - works. It should have been simple to just have some plot device tell the story of the game and how it should work - they do this in the 1975 original and in the original it's quite clear how each team work together to get the ball into the target goal area.

In the 2002 remake noone knows how the game works, the track is about 25 feet long so the whole thing makes no sense - and the track is littered with pointless jumps and obstacles.

The Rollerball games become meaningless, mindless, and utterly pointless seemingly random close-ups from bizarre angles, cutting before you can make sense of what you're looking at.

This is a travesty of a sham of a mockery of a farce of a distortion of a parody of an imitation of a lampoonery of a pantomime of a fraud of a counterfeit of a phony bogus fake piracy of a movie.

Other than that it's great.


If this is the worst movie for you, how many have you seen? 2? 1? this is an average movie that is not deserved to be in the bottom. You a**holes better grow up a little before commenting.


I think you could see hundreds of movies without finding one worse than this. If this is somehow average, I would really be interested to see what bad is...

I wonder how many movies DeXaZ has seen to consider this piece of garbage to be average. I doubt it's more than 1-2% of the amount of movies I've seen. Imagine a 15 year old telling us to grow up.


So painfully stupid you are, child.


Dude This movie was awesome


This movie wasn't that bad. Most of the people who comment on terrible movies think that Uwe Boll is the greatest director in the world. It was crap compared to the original i'll give you that but, this movie didn't belong on the bottom 100. Now that its off i can rest easy. Take a look at the bottom 100. Those movies are there for a reason they SUCK @SS!!!!

Eventus Stultorm Magistar


> Even a pathetic pile like "Who's Your Caddie" or the Wayans Brothers travesties like "White Chicks" can be forgiven because at least you can follow the story

What part of "Rollerball" could you not follow? The story was pretty darn simple and easy to follow.

A new sport is invented and the owners will resort to physically injuring and killing the players to keep the TV ratings high. A rogue player battles the other players and then the owners to put an end to the travesty.

Which part was so complex that were you incapable of following?

Now, I'll grant that the movie was poorly crafted, but it really wasn't one of the worst movies that I've ever seen. It falls somewhere into my middle rankings.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Yes way.

Worst. Remake. Ever...


I can't believe enough people liked this movie that it is no longer in the bottom 100!!!!! This movie has all the ingredients to be one of the worst movies of all time. It's so bad that it's actually funny most of the time. I wish they would bring back MST3K for movies like this.


Why are people like John McTiernan, Jean Reno and Eric Serra involved in this pile of garbage???

Martha? Rubbing alcohol for you?
Richard Burton, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? (1966)


Is it possible that this abomination is even below the likes of Chris Klein? Perhaps so.

No, I think not. But he sure helped make it suck as much as possible...


it's out of it now.

it;s really weird that it's shown in Valentine's


Rollerball 2002 is suck, I hate it, but I liked rollerball 1975 is better.
that's why rollerball 2002 is worst ever...

Theater Iron Man 8/10
DVD, in the valley of Elah 8/10


This movie should never have been made. Piece of garbage. Unwatchable. I saw it once in the theater and that is it. The original Rollerball however, I saw when it first came out in 1975 and still watch it to this day on tape.


.....This movie makes Ed Wood's "Plan Nine From Outer Space" look like Orson Wells's "Citizen Kane".
People are just getting dumber, but more opinionated-Ernestine (Silks) in "The Human Stain"


I agree it isn't that bad. There are many low budget direct to video movies that are much worse. The worst movie I've seen in "Starship" (1985). My parents and I left the theater after about 15 minutes it was so awful.
