WORST remake I've seen, if not among the worst
Years ago, when I first heard of a remake for the 1975 ROLLERBALL, I was ecstatic. ROLLERBALL (1975) may have had its flaws, but as a science fiction movie it stands on its own merits. Sci-fi movies typically choose between a dystopian or utopian future. Like "Logan's Run" (1977), ROLLERBALL skirted both ingeniously more so than Logan's Run by portraying a seemingly utopian future that was insidiously dystopian at its core. Both movies portrayed a future where citizens were well-fed, fulfilled with material goods, and seemingly contented but at the cost of happily relinquishing their freedoms and future to Big Brother who called the final shots. Unlike George Orr's book, 1984, the premise of ROLLERBALL was that Big Brother could buy off the average citizen as long as all material needs were amply met. If you truly think about it in 2010, how many people would be happy to live in the world depicted by the 1975 Rollerball? I guess that many would love to accept the deal.
Well, as more information slowly came out it became clear that the remake was going to follow a different direction. I was clearly disappointed but when the movie came out in 2002 I still went out of curiosity. Like the other imdb posters, this movie stunk, big time. I don't know what the director had in mind. But he had no business titling the movie, 'Rollerball'. He should have honestly come up with a different title. We could be more understanding if the movie had a different title so we did not have any expectations. Still on its own, Rollerball (2002) is a lousy action movie. I had no desire to watch this movie again whatsoever.