The Best Unintentional Comedy Ever Made
I would give anything to know what John McTiernan was smoking or drinking or snorting or what pill he was popping or all of the above when he was in the process of making this movie. I've seen some bad movies before but to make a movie this bad with all the money involved and with a director who at one point was making classic actions movies is unbelievable. I've haven't laughed this much since I watched Plan 9 From Outer Space.
First of all, who the hell in there right mind would pick Chris Klien as an action hero? He's got to be the worst action hero in action movie history, and the funniest. The delivery of great lines like "Hey, thanks for saving my ass" and "Something's up! I dunno" is just pure genius. Chris Klien should have went back to the American Pie movies on his hands and knees offering to pay the producers to be in American Wedding. I think I laughed everytime he tried to put on his serious guy look in this movie. Chris Klien in this movie made Keanu Reeves look like the second coming of Al Pacino! While I'm mentioning bad acting, what the heck was up with Jean Reno? I've seen him be pretty good at times, but he was completely out of place here, although completely hilarious most of the time when I could understand what the hell he was talking about.
Let's not forget the great Night Vision sequence, WTF was that? That scene went on for 15 minutes and you couldn't see a damn thing. Not that I'm complaining, the less Chris Klien the better. What a great Idea from McTiernan, the serious artist, lets make a 15 minute scene where nobody can make out what the hell is going on in the movie, it'll be artistic.
I read somewhere that this movie cost $80 million dollars to make. There isn't a single sequence in the film that justifies that amount of money. Personally, I think the money was spent on a secret John McTiernan cocaine binge, or maybe it was extacsy judging by the night vision sequence. In the end I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.