The Junior Social

Ahh, the Junior Social. The music (by KEF, Aaron Carter, Jamie Dunlap with Scott Nickoley and Maureen Steel), the dancing, the scenery, the energy. In other words, it's the best part of the entire movie!!! I'd tell you all about it, but it would contain spoilers, plus, most of you would already remember it by now.

I love "The Other Me" for so many reasons, but The Junior Social part of the movie topped them all.

If you love this part of the movie as much as I do, GREAT!!!

If not, well... what's your favorite part on "The Other Me"?


I loved this movie. i think my favorite part was in the beg when the other him had got there and he was trying to hide him from his parents. and they were like, i thought he was wearing something else, that whole scene. they don't make movies like this anymore.

*Gasp and swoon, I just caught the vapors*


I like when he dances on the table in the cafeteria.



They actually have that scene on youtube!

I am the prototype





Actually, the entire movie is on YouTube. A few users with lots of time on their hands have taken it upon themselves to upload most if not all of the older DCOMS. These were uploaded within the last couple months. Stuff I could never find before I can finally watch. Just search for the DCOM title on YouTube or checl these two user's channels (look at their playlists: D1sneyMag1cPT andgonshark17. Between them, they have a vast majority of the older DCOMS uploaded. I have also found Under Wraps, Eddie's Million Dollar Cookoff, Brink... on youtube under different users.


Thanks for the headsup, I looked it up the other day they have Don't Look Under The Bed and Seventeen again! Two of my favorites.

You're cute in a Quasimodo kind of way.
