Kite's Rip Off

I was watching this movie today and after watching a few scenes I instantly got sure that No Doubt's "Ex Girlfriend" music video copied scenes of this movie, for example the washroom scene when the she is dressed up as a boy and the guys are taking a leak and they all wear fancy suits and she fights them all and at the end of the battle she falls off the window with the guy and they fight in the air, I thought this was just a coincidence but I also remembered the park scene where kanie is eating chips and he trades information with Akai, that was just a second big coincidence, I think The director watched Kite and stole the idea to make No Doubt's video wich I don;t like that much, anyways that;s just me, tell me what you think...

Nurse: SO what's your problem?
Lola: (gun fires)
my problem is not physical, it is psychological...


Whoa, I just watched the ND video and I think you're right- that can't be a coincidence, there are just too many similarities.

"Now get your patchouli stink out of my store!"


I never saw the entire video of "Ex-Girlfriend", but when I caught a glimpse of it, this film sprung to mind. Maybe Gwen Stefani or another member of the band was a fan of "Kite" and decided to pay homage to it (which only other "Kite" fans would "get"), not to intentionally rip it off and pass the idea off as their own. I mean, in films or shows (or any artistic medium, for that matter), where the creator can have considerable freedom to express him/herself, you see those kinds of nods to stuff all the time. I don't think No Doubt are so dim as to think they could get away with publicizing this video and intending for all audiences to believe it was their original idea and therefore just a coincidence.


It's obviously a reference to Kite. She even sprays him with mace and kicks him in the exact same way.


On the director of the No Doubt video's website it says for the video "Inspired by the anime Kite."


You are completely correct. No Doubt did pay homage to Kite. The whole video clip pretty much copies the movie, even when Gwen falls through the window with the man under her.

I have no problem as I thought it was an inside joke by the director right from the start.

The big question however is what inspired Sawas character? I believe that Natalie Portmans character in 'Leon' (The Professional) with Jean Reno played a part in that.
