by KartofflMuter » Tue Jan 4 2011 21:00:44
IMDb member since October 2008
Larry & Gertie lumped themselves in with the Finkelsteins because they had all beee targeted on their block. Thus, "US" (the targeted ones, who lived on the block)
The Desk Sargent was operating under the same misconception which was shown throughout the film. Rather then protest further, Larry just went with it. Seconds later both he and Gertie mentally processed the impact of what he had just inadvertantly done.
I think the look of relief and the melody that's being played in that final scene contribute to many poster's confusion here.
Maybe that was intentional, or maybe not. They look as if a tremendous burden has been suddenly lifted from their shoulders. A look I attribute to no longer caring what people think of "them", because it didn't matter. NOBODY should have been treated that way.
It didn't matter what they were, they were still being mistreated.
Being bothered or upset by what people think of you is the 1st step to empowering them and doing so, probably means you may somehow feel the same way for 1 reason or another.
Remember those idiots after 9/11 who attacked the Sikhs because they couldn't tell the difference? Well, that just goes to show that some Americans can fall prey to ignorance & violence at the drop of a hat.
So as much as I hate to admit it, this film is certainly "on point" and remains contemporary though set in the past.
AND, what Larry should have been reporting is the murder he witnessed!
"If people like you don't learn from what happened to people like me..."-Professor Rohl