Should they make a movie based on that too? The action was great!


Definatly! One of the best books I've read in a while.



I just finished the book last night and i think this is a pefect "movie book" chances are its gonna be Rated "R" They cleaned up Big Trouble really good but i dont think they can clean up Tricky Buisness as well. but i dont give a damn. I think it the movie would be a hit. Bigger than Big Trouble (to other ppl cuz big trouble was big to me). I loved Big Trouble my fav movie the only thing is that i cant find dave barry in the damn movie i looked soo close and i cant find him. its driving me nuts. Well Tricky buisness would be soo great if it became a movie.


i think big trouble's biggist flaw was that it strayed from the book, the way it was made. too many "creative" decisions were made when they shouldn't have been. had the script followed closer to the book, and if it had been rated r, it would have generated a different flow, and assholes like roeper would have liked it.


I've also just finished the book and I agree that it could be made into a great movie. However, I hope that it could be made into a "dark action comedy" movie such as the hit British movies Snatch and Lock, stock & two smoking barrels. The temptation will be to clean up the book for the mass market. Let's hope that there are still brave studio exec's and moviemakers out there!!



Tricky Business remains one of my favorite books of all-time. I can't wait for either a movie or another Dave Barry novel.

"I just wanna live when I'm alive, it's my life!" Bon Jovi


I was just talking to my roommate about this very subject. While I would love to see a Tricky Business movie, I don't know if one will be made. The film would definatly have to be R rated and I don't know if a studio will want to make a silly, violent, R rated comedy. It just isn't something you see a lot of. And the book is suprisingly violent, I couldn't believe how many people died!

I would love for someone to take a chance on this novel and make it into a really good movie, but most likely it will be gutted like Big Trouble and dumbed down to an acceptable PG-13 movie.

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Whoever said Snatch and Lock, Stock... I was thinking the exact same thing. Guy Richie would be perfect to direct a movie version of Tricky Business.

The grass so green
Skies so blue
Spectre is really great!


I just finished reading this book not five minutes ago, and I would absolutely love to see this in movie form. I'd be interested to see how they would cover certain aspects of it though, because many parts to the book can't translate to the screen. For instance doing all the important backstory on all of the characters - unfortunately you can go back and forth very easily in print, but it is infinitely harder on film. Nevertheless I will be eagerly awaiting it.
