Cute film

I love coming accross films like this by accident. I was watching TV the other night and it came on really late. I started to watch it knowing well that I wouldn't last, but as the cast started to appear and the film got going I found myself hooked. So I recored the rest and watched it later. It was really quite good. I'm very surprised at how much it flopped. It must have been the bad timing. But even looking at the poster, I wouldn't be surprised that people were put off by how prominent Tim Allen seems. He's normally such a douche bag and has one of the worst taste in scripts that if I had seen the poster of his stupid grin I'd have thought it was going to be another Santa Caluse load of arse!

Don't get me wrong, he's actually quite good in this which surprised me. But it's such an ensemble cast, if he was the main actor in it, it was by a matter of a few lines.

I laughed when the two contract killers are stuck on the plane with Gator fans and are delayed by goats on the runway. It really was quite funny.

An amazingly under rated film and one I'd recommend.
