too subtle for some, too slapstick for others, just right for me
While the timing of this movie's release may have affected its earnings, I really think a lot of people just didn't 'get' it. Every person I show this movie to thinks it's just hysterical. However, I think it goes beyond an issue of 'taste', and I could see where, while the action is pretty slapstick, you have to really pay attention to get many of the jokes. Frankly, I think many people have too short of an attention span to follow them. Maybe there's just not that many people out there who enjoy not only a certain level of silliness, but also very quick, subtle, and dry humour, not to mention quirky way all the complexity is eventually tied together. I think not, though.
First off, this is not a "serious" movie. Get over it. It's meant to be zany and energetic and just plain fun. The music alone sets a mood that can't be denied.
Second, I've showed this movie to various people, from my 17 yr-old juvenile delinquent nephew, to my 64 yr-old prototypical-librarian mother. My mother almost peed herself, and my nephew is still quoting lines months later, which brings up the third:
This movie ranks with "Blazing Saddles" for cult-quotable one-liners.
"Discovery Channel"
"You got that right"
"Ed Zachary"
"Arrivals or Departures?"
"Gator fans"
"It looks like a garbage disposal"
I could go on and on, but I have to stop so I can go watch it again; it's been a couple of months, and I could use a sore solar plexus about now. From Jenny's deadpan delivery to Officer Kramitz' over-zealous law enforcement, if you don't enjoy a lot of belly laughs from this movie, you take yourself and movies way too seriously, and you've got less of a sense of humour than Snake Dupree.
Oh, and it's the only worthwhile thing Martha Stewart ever did.