MovieChat Forums > Big Trouble (2002) Discussion > too subtle for some, too slapstick for o...

too subtle for some, too slapstick for others, just right for me

While the timing of this movie's release may have affected its earnings, I really think a lot of people just didn't 'get' it. Every person I show this movie to thinks it's just hysterical. However, I think it goes beyond an issue of 'taste', and I could see where, while the action is pretty slapstick, you have to really pay attention to get many of the jokes. Frankly, I think many people have too short of an attention span to follow them. Maybe there's just not that many people out there who enjoy not only a certain level of silliness, but also very quick, subtle, and dry humour, not to mention quirky way all the complexity is eventually tied together. I think not, though.

First off, this is not a "serious" movie. Get over it. It's meant to be zany and energetic and just plain fun. The music alone sets a mood that can't be denied.

Second, I've showed this movie to various people, from my 17 yr-old juvenile delinquent nephew, to my 64 yr-old prototypical-librarian mother. My mother almost peed herself, and my nephew is still quoting lines months later, which brings up the third:

This movie ranks with "Blazing Saddles" for cult-quotable one-liners.

"Discovery Channel"

"You got that right"

"Ed Zachary"

"Arrivals or Departures?"

"Gator fans"

"It looks like a garbage disposal"

I could go on and on, but I have to stop so I can go watch it again; it's been a couple of months, and I could use a sore solar plexus about now. From Jenny's deadpan delivery to Officer Kramitz' over-zealous law enforcement, if you don't enjoy a lot of belly laughs from this movie, you take yourself and movies way too seriously, and you've got less of a sense of humour than Snake Dupree.

Oh, and it's the only worthwhile thing Martha Stewart ever did.


I liked it too. Watched just because it had Ben Foster in it but it was totally worth it. When I saw that cop dude for the first time I knew he looked like a stripper...


I thought it was great. Those little things (The strip search, air port security, Gators fans on the radio) were touches that just screamed "DAVE BARRY!" It took the essence of the book, but kept it comic enough to be totally enjoyable (the book's ending got pretty dark).
