MovieChat Forums > Die Another Day (2002) Discussion > Why no video game tie in?

Why no video game tie in?

This could have made for an amazing game. I suppose EA at the time with making the Bond games were too focused on originals after making 'The World Is Not Enough'. 'Nightfire' is one of my fav Bond games and it's great we got 'Everything Or Nothing' which most fans agree is Brosnan's official last installment as Bond yet if 'Die Another Day' had gotten a game adaptation it would have for sure made the film way more memorable in similar way the Star Wars prequel games made the prequel films more memorable.

At least we got snippets of it made in 2012 for the game '007 Legends' yet imagine a whole stealth level beginning on the beach as you sneak and get a disguise to get into General Moon's camp, then have the hovercraft chase jumping from driving to shooting and fighting on Colonel Moon's craft.

Then imagine the clinic having its own level being mainly stealth until you find Zao and have to chase him... and then the sword fight sequence! Oh and then the virtual reality sequence! I know it was inspired by the Mi:6 mission from 'The World Is Not Enough' N64 yet more could have been done with it.

So many scenes from this film could have made an excellent fun and thrilling game not only for Bond fans but for action game fans alike.


In order to make the video game, they needed to get copyright permission from Kim Jong Un and he refused


I guess they felt that the risk wasn't worth it following the bad reception of the video game adaptions of Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is Not Enough (although the N64 version was decent, the PS1 version sucked).
