Your Impressions of Edith...
Even though there have been tons of film versions of Anne Frank's story, I don't think we've really gotten a good look at who Edith Frank really was. Don't get me wrong - I thought she was portrayed very well in this movie by a wonderful actress, and I understand that it must be very difficult for writers to capture every detail of her life and personality with so little existing information about her (the majority comes from Anne's diary, which can be pretty one-sided, for obvious reasons). But, I think there's much more to her than what we see onscreen and read about in the diary. With that in mind, I was wondering...what are your impressions of her (personality, marriage, youth, etc.)?
Personally, I think that, in her youth and into her adulthood right around the time she met Otto, she was a lot more like Anne than Anne liked to think (although these traits obviously became stifled within her, quite unlike how they clearly appeared in Anne). After reading Anne's diary, quite a few of her descriptions of her mother stuck out to me. She mentioned that Edith was "unfeminine," and spoke of her "slipshod ways." These descriptions hint that, at one point, Edith probably had higher ambitions than being a housewife alone. However, I think that she pushed those ambitions aside when Otto came into the picture, as taking the housewife route seemed the right thing to do.
Later, I think much of the behavior that irritated Anne came from many sources: a sense of helplessness in the Annex (she tried to get Otto to take the family to America early on and later told Miep that she felt their situation was hopeless), feelings of frustration and sadness about her unreturned love for Otto, and, perhaps, the fact that she saw in Anne the qualities that she used to have and that she missed about herself (which could explain her behavior toward Anne in particular).
Anyway, that's a little bit of my impression of her...I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's!