Appropriate for 8th graders?

Hi, I'm an English teacher and my 8th grade class just finished reading the stage version of "The Diary of Anne Frank." I'm torn on whether to show them the film adaptation from 1959 or this miniseries. Has anyone seen both, and can you offer any opinions about them? I've seen some things posted on these boards indicating the miniseries may be borderline inappropriate for 8th graders.

Thanks in advance for the input.


Well when i was in 8th grade(6 years ago)our teacher showed us the 50's version.i think both(the '59 version and this)would be good.
Our teacher also showed us,"The Devils Arithmetic"(SP?)staring kirsten dunst
Anyways,yes this is a appropriate for 8th graders


If you want to show them a more realistic portrayal of Anne Frank's life, then i'd suggest you'd show this one. The 1959 film is an adaptation of the stage play of Anne's life, whereas this 2001 miniseries is based on a biography of Anne's life by Mellisa Muller and doesn't just focus on the families time in hiding, it follows her life from just before the war (aged 10 in 1939) to her death in Bergen Belsen in 1945.
I'm British, so I'm not sure how old 8th graders are, but if they are under 12 (which is what the UK certificate for the miniseries is), I would have a think on wether to show the concentration camp scenes as they are quite distressing.


heck yes it's appropriate! i'm in sixth grade and we saw it!

R.I.P we you Anne Frank


Whatever you do, DO NOT show them the 1959 B/W Millie Perkins version. It is too "Hollywood" and it gets all the facts wrong. Anne was given the diary on her 13th birthday, but the 1959 one shows Otto giving Anne the diary on the day she goes into hiding! It would be MUCH more educational if you show them this one. Although, you may have to skip the camp scenes, I watched it when I was 7 and they didn't affect me, probably because I didn't understand it, but now I'm 13 and CAN'T watch them. I watched it on YouTube a few days ago and I skipped from Part 23, where they are captured, to part 29 where Otto comes back.
Sorry I typed so much.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!



I was in 7th grade when it came out and it touched me deeply. I think it is a great age to show this to students.

I'll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!


Years ago I saw his in 8th grade and my teacher avoided the nudity by covering the television and fast-fowarding. We watched the b&w version first and then we started this version around where they were ratted and taken by the gestapo until the end. I personally fell in love with this movie when we watched ad I now own it and love sharing it with those who have not had the opportunity to see it. I study film now and do not recommend the original because it just doesn't capture the horror and to 8th graders, it can be an extreme bore. This version is incredible, but if not a mature viewer, this film can be very disturbing.


I am really glad that someone has already started this topic. I am an 8th grade teacher who ordered this thinking that it would be a good alternative to the Millie Perkins 1959 version (although we do read the play that the movie was based on...I only have the students for a semester.)

I think that I am going to go ahead with this one; however, since it is so late and I am in no mood to send out notes, I noticed that Chapter 16 of the DVD entails the nude scenes. The way the DVD is (as well as my hour schedule) I am going to stop it at the tattoo scene and continue it the next day after the scene...after discussing why with my students.

Where the HELL is my PUGIL STICK? I mean, it isn't like I can stick it in a drawer or something.


I just showed it today to my 8th graders. I have showed this version for the past several years and I just hold a piece of poster board over the bottom half of the screen so the kids still see the women getting the hair cut but do not see the nudity.
My students are definitely affected by this movie. As many times as I have seen it, I am still moved every time by the scene with Anne and Otto being separated and the little kids are running down the train tracks


We watched this back when I was in 8th grade which was several years ago, and in Texas no less, and the English teacher (or school for that matter) did nothing to cover up the nudity in the camp scene. None of the kids (males included) made a big deal because the scene is very emotional, completely nonsexual, and doesn't get any more graphic than the breasts. Hell, that part of the movie is probably less traumatizing than what follows.


I have big issues with the final words. I get choked up every time I see them.

Where the HELL is my PUGIL STICK? I mean, it isn't like I can stick it in a drawer or something.


We watched it in 8th grade, but our teacher didn't cover it. We did have to have permission slips to see the scene though, and no one made any rude comments on the women's nudity. The film is just gripping in that since that you don't care if they are nude or not.


VERY Appropriate for 8th graders
I saw the film when I was 9 and it shaped my life on humanity.
Although the 1959 version IS based on the stage play itself, the miniseries is more accurate, more entertaining, and more dramatic.
