Happy Birthday Miep Gies!
I wanted to start a thread to wish a Happy 100th to this wonderful and courageous woman whose heroism has been largely unacknowleged, sadly, by most of the known world, with the exception of those few who actually take the time to care and appreciate the sacrifices made by everyday people like her. People like Miep Gies are what humanity is all about, and no doubt are what Anne had in mind when she privately confided that she still believed "in spite of everthying" that people were truly good at heart. And, to this day, she is still ever modest and humble about her role in the hiding of the Frank family. Like Otto Frank, she has never made any visible efforts to capitalize on her fame and recognition, so convinced that her good work is so unworhty of any widespread laudation (she is wrong). How fortunate she is to have lived such a long life, as she truly deserves to. Anyhow, Happy Birthday and God Bless You, Miep!