MovieChat Forums > Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001) Discussion > Anne's hair (and haircut) Question

Anne's hair (and haircut) Question

Why did it never grow back in the camp? She was in there for seven months. Did the Nazis keep cutting their hair? And was it ACTUALLY cut, or in real life was it shaved? *shivers*


Yeah, yeah, yeah!


In real life Anne and the other women had their heads shaved completely bald. Annes hair would have grown back a bit after 7 months. In the movie, it was filmed over a few weeks, so Hannah Taylor Gordons hair would not have grown much at all. Hope that helps.


Actually - doesn't nutrition have a lot to do with hair growth? I don't believe that Anne's hair ever really grew more than a few inches - simply because the poor girl was so malnourished.


The people in the movie really did have their hair cut. And in the Real camps their heads were shaved completely. And like the post above me said, Hair growth has alot to do with nutrion. And because she was so malnourished her hair would have grown very much, so the Nazi's didn't really have to worry about re-cutting their hair.


Most camps did shave the prisoners' heads, but some camps merely cut the prisoner's hair very, very short. I think that was one of the worst atrocities; I cannot imagine someone having their head shaved against their will like that. It's like stripping someone in public.

