The sleepover scene

Ok, I don't know if the real Anne ever wanted to do this, but in that sleepover scene she's having with her friend, she pulls cotton balls out of her shirt and she and her friend start throwing them around. Now, that's not weird because I've stuffed myself with towels and other things before, it's just all part of growing up a girl. But the weird and perverted part is when Anne asked to touch her friend's breasts.
Ok, I know that young girls are very curious about their bodies and the bodies of their peers. We become upset when we're not as developed as other girls our age, trust me, I went through the same thing and I'm sure many other girls and women who read this have also, but did you ever want to touch or feel your friends breasts just because they were more developed than you?? I never did. I don't think it ever even crossed my mind to ask such a perverted question.
Does anyone know if the real Anne ever wanted to do such things??


Yes she did, I take it you've never read the diary(I highly recommend it) But she does write an entry about that...she said that she also wanted to kiss her too, which she did on the cheek. Some people speculate that Anne may have been bi, but I think she was just curious...but yeah, she did want to do such things.


like the person above me said, there is an entry in there where she talks about that exact thing...wanting to touch another girls breasts, and wanting to kiss her, though the friend refused her, if i recall correctly.

i dont find it odd though, i've always had those urges since i was a kid. i had never heard of bisexuality at the time, but ive always been fascinated with my friends bodies, and wanting to kiss them etc
i dont think its perverted
coz im not


no, it's normal. i don't want to FEEL my friend's, though, but something kinda like it. and i'm not bi or a les, i know that.

i never said i was perfect - at least i never said it more than 1000 time (THATS MY QUOTE NO COPY)



I laughed at that scene because right before Anne pulls the cotten out of her shirt that other girl makes her eye brows go in a weird way like she wants to see her boobes!!!!!! It was so funny! I do not think she was Bi.



It's hardly perverted. A little judgmental aren't we?

Made you look.


Yes, she did write in her diary about the incident. She had some bisexual tendencies, which was perfectly normal especially considering her age. In another diary entry, she wrote that she was moved to tears by the naked figure of Venus.

Are you saying that real life isn't like in the movies?!


My friends and I did; sleepovers were prime for it. We were all curious about breasts and what they felt like. It's not "perverted" or unusual at all.


I never wanted to know what they felt like because luckily mine started coming in when I was 9. But I can understand a girl Anne's age and with a sister like Margot being curious about them. Poor thing must have felt like something was wrong with her.


It's very common for girls at that developing age (which can be anywhere from 9 to 15) to fear that there's something "wrong" with them, whether they develop early or late. And on the average, teens develop a bit sooner than they used to. I've read that in 1900's, the average girl didn't start her period until she was around 16 or 17 while today the average age is around 12. And this is just the average age, like I stated before, many girls start at 9; others don't start until around 15 or so. I have a friend who didn't start growing breasts until 15 and didn't get her period until she was almost 17 and she was perfectly normal.
