The sleepover scene
Ok, I don't know if the real Anne ever wanted to do this, but in that sleepover scene she's having with her friend, she pulls cotton balls out of her shirt and she and her friend start throwing them around. Now, that's not weird because I've stuffed myself with towels and other things before, it's just all part of growing up a girl. But the weird and perverted part is when Anne asked to touch her friend's breasts.
Ok, I know that young girls are very curious about their bodies and the bodies of their peers. We become upset when we're not as developed as other girls our age, trust me, I went through the same thing and I'm sure many other girls and women who read this have also, but did you ever want to touch or feel your friends breasts just because they were more developed than you?? I never did. I don't think it ever even crossed my mind to ask such a perverted question.
Does anyone know if the real Anne ever wanted to do such things??