Hitler question

I watched this movie for history class when I was at school.
One girl in my class asked a random question about Hitler which lead to a big debate.
She asked:
Why didn't someone in Hitler's army just shoot him when there were millions of troups but just one Hitler? Then no more Jewish people would have to die & be saved.
People in my class were responding saying things like.
If someone in the army did shoot him, others may have been for Hitler & all chaos would break loose.
Has anyone else ever thought this?



Yes, during the early days of the war most people believed Reinhard Heydrich would be the one to become the new fuhrer of Germany once Hitler died. Heydrich was possibly the most evil of all the nazis and it was good that he was asassinated in 1942 in Czechoslovakia.

Hitler was just one of many believing in the nazi ideals.


Was Heydrich the one Ray Fiennes played in Schindler's List?


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


No, Ray Fiennes played Amon Goeth.


There were countless assassination attempts against Adolf Hitler. The Stauffenberg Plot being the most famous. This plot involved members of the Wehrmacht. Your classmate is obviously oblivious to the Cult of Adolf Hitler, the man was loved by his people.


Also, killing Hitler would've have done anything.


Some of the Generals around Hitler wanted him dead but were too afraid to out of fear of reprisal from the SS or Hitler personal guard. If he won the war they'd be hanged as conspirators. All the plots aggainst him failed because Hitler was unpredictable, he changed his schedule constantly even at the last minute which i found out from reading the rise and fall of third reich by william shrier which made any attempt to assassinate him useless.


The 'Generals' only wanted to get rid of Hitler once it became obvious Germany was losing the war after the Soviets started pushing the German army back from 1943 onwards.

The German army swore a loyalty oath to Hitler way back when he became Chancellor in 1933. There was no way they were ever going to turn against him. Have you ever seen the excellent German film 'Downfall'? That depicts very well how deep that loyalty was throughout German society right to the very end.


All good replies to the OP.
Hitler was Time Magazine (USA) Man of the Year in 1933. I think he had way more followers than enemies; they outnumbered the people who wanted him dead.
The cult of Personality of Hitler wasn't just happening in Germany. He had followers all over the world that subscribed to Hitler's Weltanschauung that supported Eugenics and Racial Science which was prospering in the US and in Europe, particularly in Germany and Britain*. A small example is the movie Howard's End when the politicians are siting around the dinner table discussing the concentration camps as if it were a good thing. I'm sure there are other movies that illustrate the point, not to mention Neo-Nazi's as seen in the film American History X. Hitler is dead and people still want to follow his example.

