MovieChat Forums > Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001) Discussion > which edition of the diary is better?

which edition of the diary is better?

revised critical or definitive edition?

i'm not exactly sure if the definitive edition contains more info than revised critical

i have the definitive but for some reason,i want the revised critical edition

just curious


The unabridged version is better. It really got me into Anne and it showed a girl with a lot of optimism while she and her family were struggling.


Let me explain very carefully.

The Definitive is way much better than origial edited in 1947 when the diary first published in the Netherland. The english translation of the definitive editon was published in 1995. In 1950, the Diary was tranalated into German and French. In 1952, The Diary was publish in U.K. and United States. Today, the Diary has been translated into 67 languages and sold more than 35 million copies around the world. It is most widely read right after the bible.

In 1991, The Anne Frank-Fonds (Anne Frank Foundation) in Basel, Switzerland, Which as Otto Frank's legal heir had inherited his daughter's copyrights, then decided to have a new, expanded edition of the diary published for general readers. This new edition in no way affects the integrity of the old one originally edited by Otto Frank, which brought the diary and its message to million of people. The task of compiling the expanded edition was given to the german writer and translater Mirjam Pressler. Otto Frank's origianl selection has now been supplemented with passages from Anne's a and b versions. Mirjam Pressler's definitive edition, approved by the Anne Frank-Fonds, contains approximately 30% more material and is intended to give the readers more insight into the world of Anne Frank.

In 1998 the existence of five previously unknown pages of the diary came to light. Now, with the permission of the Anne Frank-Fonds in Basel, a long passage dated February 8, 1944, has been added to the end of the already-existing entry of that date. A Short alternative to the entry of June 20, 1942, has not been included here because a more detailed version of its is already part of the diary. Furthermore, in line with recent findings, the entry of November 7, 1943, has been moved to October 20, 1943. For more information, the readers is referred to the revised Critical Edition.

Visit the Anne Frank House website at:
This is a great website. It has six languages: Dutch,German,English,Italian, French and Spanish. You can order books,dvds,cd-roms and etc at webshop.


definitive edition, i say. I have that one and just the boring Diary Of A Young Girl. definitive edition gives you a more clear image of Anne


I have both. I first bought the so called "definitive" edition. And dont get me wrong it does have much more than the original but I like the Critical edition better because its the WHOLE diary. It has all three editions in it too. I recommend that one over any of them.


The Critical Edition (or Revised Critical Edition as It is now known) is the most complete (and I'd say best) version of Anne's diary.
It has all 3 versions of her diary - version A, which are her original writings. - version B, which are the entries Anne rewrote herself for publication after hearing about the Dutch government's plan to collect diaries and letters written during the war (the version which the definative edition is based on) and version C, the origional 1947 publication including the name changes which appeared in it such as 'van Daan' instead of 'van Pels' and 'Mr. Koophuis' instead of 'Mr. Kugler'.
The Revised Critical Edition also contains a chapter about the investigation into the authenticity of the diary. This includes an examination of Anne's handwriting, a small background about the arrest and aftermath of 'het achterhuis' being discovered and pictures of the diary. All of Anne's 'Stories and Tales from the Secret Annex' and her unfinished novel 'Cady's Life' are also present in this edition.
It is a lot more expensive than the definitive edition of the diary, but I would advise any enthusiastic Anne Frank fan to buy it as it paints a much bigger picture of Anne and her emotional and writing development in hiding.

To buy it, your best bet is to visit if you live in the US, or if you live in the UK there are some for sale on, but I think you have to buy them from the marketplace.



Definitive hands down.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough

