MovieChat Forums > Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001) Discussion > Judy Davis vs. Hannah Taylor Gordon

Judy Davis vs. Hannah Taylor Gordon

Am I to understand that Judy Davis beat out Hannah Taylor Gordon for just about every award she was nominated for that year for her portrayal of Judy Garland? To me, that just doesn't make any sense.

Disregarding the fact that Anne Frank's life story is overwhelmingly more tragic, compelling, and heartbreaking than Garland's, I didn't even find Davis' performance to be all that impressive. For instance, I personally felt that her reeneactment of the Trolley Song number just lacked Judy Garland's youthful energy.


Also, Gordon did not get anything to look at when emulating Anne.

Davis had movies, interviews, music which she could watch until she could do a great impersonation of Judy.

Gordon just had a book written by a teenage girl and ran with it. She was amazing!



Gordon only had one reel of moving film to look at, which featured Anne at a distance for like nine seconds.

But, am I wrong in being disapointed that that one reel WASN'T reenacted in the film? That was the one complaint with the film I had. I thought for sure they would, and it would have been great if they fit in in somehow, maybe during Miep and Ian's wedding or something. But, perhaps they did not want to be disrespectful.


Or it could've replaced the brief final scene of Anne on a train facing the camera and smiling. Otto could've had a flashback of the moment captured on film or something.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


I'm actually going to apologize because having just seen the Judy Garland biopic in its entirety, I do concede that Davis' performance is remarkable. She does have it over Gordon that she has to age convincingly over twenty years, although I stand by my assertion that the Trolley Song looks strikingly out of place. But, in its entirety Davis' performance is quite remarkable.

But, nonetheless, it still bothers me that not one Organization saw Gordon's performance as equally groundbreaking or deserving, or more so than Davis'. Not that I don't sympathize with Garland's predicament, because I do, but Garland's story is full of lavish MGM parties and colorful costumes and bright lights and long walks on the beach, nothing like Anne's last few months. While being habitually drugged, starved, bullied, and overworked by a movie studio that cranks out films for publicity's sake, for years on end, is pretty bad, its almost nothing compared to the nightmare world of the camps, where you were also starved, bullied, and overworked to the tenth power, with the aim being extermination (I do hear that Garland's studio-imposed diet was pretty intense enough to kill some people, though).

Just an all around shame that they couldn't spread the love a little and pay due homage to both worthy performances.
