Blu Ray?

Anyone know if this is on blu ray?


That would be awesome. I own the DVD and the quality isn't the greatest. Would blu-Ray improve upon that?


Probably so,I've looked on Amazon and they don't seem to have it on blu ray. This surprises me as there is some titles released on blu ray that shouldn't be.


It came out before Blu-ray was the standard for HD. I only have it on DVD, but I think it looks pretty darned good. I got a Blu-ray player and noticed it doesn't look that much better than regular DVD. It's a little clearer and crisper, but it may not be worth the money to replace a movie if you already have it on DVD.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)



Ohh yeah, its right here

,,Now this is good...


You can make these into links by highlighting each one separately and clicking the Link tab just above the window. Here they are: I did go to check this out, but it doesn't sound like the movie transferred to Blu-ray very well from the critique I read. Sounds like I might as well just stick with the regular DVD I already have. Not sure why this is here, but okay.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)
