Edmond's time at Chateau d'If

I loved the entire movie but my favorite scenes were when Edmond was in prison with the priest. I like the growth his character went through. I loved the scene when Abbe Faria first came up through the floor and almost scared poor Edmond to death!  I wish the scenes at Chateau d'If could have been bit longer. I really enjoy them.


I thought they were very well done also, and I also enjoyed that relationship, but it was really awful watching Edmond get beaten every year, the kind of food he got, the bleak conditions he lived in, the despair all this created in him, I was actually pretty glad when he finally got out. I found that episode was quite long enough. That was Richard Harris's last role, btw.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


You are right. I am ashamed to admit I have almost completely blocked out how cruelly he was treated. Perhaps I should clarify by saying I liked the scenes at Chateau d'If after he met the priest. I think I liked it so much because the priest brought some relief to Edmond in spite of the horrible conditions they lived in. I loved their relationship.

It sadden me to find out this was the last movie Richard Harris did. He did such a wonderful job.


I agree. He was terrific. Well, they both were. I saw this movie in the theater when it first came out, and it just blew me away. I had to have it in my collection. Other than the scenes at the Chateau d"If, it was gorgeous and had just wonderful locations. But I also thought they did those scenes in the prison so well, it just made me feel such sympathy for poor Edmond.

If you like this, you'd love Poldark, btw. I hope you got a chance to see it!

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Poldark looks interesting. I see it is getting ready to start season 2. Perhaps I will use this time before the premier to watch S1. 


You'll thank me! 😁

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)
