MovieChat Forums > The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) Discussion > This is such an entertaining story

This is such an entertaining story

Seeing part of this version now on Starz, and remembering what a fantastic story it is. What characters! This one is beautifully done with some great actors. I remember seeing the Richard Chamberlain TV version in '75 and being surprised at how involved I got, even tho it isn't my usual kind of story.

With how great the recent "War and Peace" miniseries was, I'm thinking they should bring back this story too. There's so much dreck on TV these days, it would be a welcome addition and hopefully get some young people to read more classic stories.


I was surprised how much I fell in love with it! I only just discovered it and usually I have no interest in this type of movie but watched because it was recommended by another fan of Jim Caviezel's other works. I am so very happy I took the time to watch it. I was entertained from beginning to end. I'm not sure I could ever be opened to another version of The Count Of Monte Cristo. 


Never say never; I liked the Richard Chamberlain version best, till I saw this one. And hey, Leonardo DiCaprio made a good one back in the day, I think. It's such a great story that if you add decent actors it's sure to come out good.


Since I was surprised by this movie, I will keep an open mind for other versions. : )


One of the best "revenge" stories out there.


Agreed; others can only hope to copy it.


I agree about The Count of Monte Cristo, of course. But if you'd like to see something on TV that takes place at a similar time period and is just as wonderful, you might try Poldark. The first season is available on DVD at places like Target, or from your library and Netflix, or for download on Amazon Prime. They're running the second season on PBS right now and have only showed the first three episodes, and you can catch up online. It's one of the best things I've ever seen on TV, and eventually there's some pretty darned good revenge to be had in this series, also. It's also based on novels. Enjoy!

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Yes, I'm a big Poldark fan. I do find some episodes a little slow/less compelling, but I'm definitely going to watch the whole thing. (I'm a woman and that Aidan Turner really does it for me!)

A childhood friend tells me the earlier series, from the 60s or 70s, was one of her favorites, so I'm ordering the disks off Netflix.


I loved the 70s version, too, and still have the videos. But this is really a lot better. The music is gorgeous, the scenery, the costumes, it's just amazing. So happy you've found it!

Jim Caviezel, Henry Cavill, Aidan Turner, I just love their dark hair and eyes. πŸ˜‰

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Did you see that backstory about the old Poldark actor playing the judge in a critical scene of the new series?? Very cool.


Of course. πŸ˜‰ I'm a huge fan and keep up with everything about it. Robin Ellis played Ross Poldark in the old series, which I watched over and over though not for years now, so I was quite familiar with him. But even though I knew he had a small role in the new series, when he showed up as Rev. Halse, the magistrate, I had no idea he was playing that part until I saw him in an interview later. What a shock! He's a great actor! Forty years does take its toll, but I think it was his nasty character and how well he played him that fooled me. I always liked him in the 70s series, but I didn't go bonkers over him like I have Aidan Turner. LOL

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Agreed - showed Ellis's range as an actor that he could make us hate that judge as much as his Poldark was loved years ago.
