Whats wrong with the commersial for this film???
Forgive me for my english. I speak and understand it well, but my spelling.....
I´m sitting at home and is checking IMDb.com
Log in and input some material that i know of some films - i collects stuntlistys and information about stunts in films, and then write in the credits at the IMDb.... -
Between 22.13 and 22.52 i´ve seen the same short film about this film (Bulletproof Monk) as a windowdesk commercial for 43 times !!!!!
It´s anoying (?) and irritating, since i sometimes have to wait till the films gone, before i can do Anything.....
Do they/them (Movie Company) realy believ that i will see the film now, when my only reaction - when i see the poster or the trailer - is irritation....??
I give the PR company 1 point - out of 10 possibily.....
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