Alternate Versions (R-rated cut)
Has anyone else seen the R rated version. I was looking forward to this movie as a fan of Chow Yun Fat and martial arts movies in general, so when I had the opportunity to watch a, ahem, "pre release" I did. The start of the movie was missing and it was clearly some kind of cam copy. For my sins I enjoyed the film and when it came out I took my wife to see it at the cinema. It was a different film. Mr Funktastic was called Mr *beep* (if you look closely his tattoo does not say Funktastic, it still says *beep* and all references to his name changed, the end fight never went out of the building onto the rooftop. If you have seen the dvd (if the uk is the same as everywhere else that is!!) the alternate ending is the version I saw, but with all the wires cgi'd out. There was way more of the *beep* Crew at the end, with them coming into the chamber and freeing the other monks with the girl. I know there was slightly more violence all the way through but that could be a UK thing rather than an alternate version. I can't quite remember what but there was definately some difference with the exploding car. Basically the new version was way cheesier and far less fun than the original version.