Its just fun..
Its only supposed to be light hearted fun family entertainment. Simple as that!
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Its only supposed to be light hearted fun family entertainment. Simple as that!
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But that's just it: It's SUPPOSED to be a light hearted fun family entertainment, but instead, it's a snooze fest.
Although i do agree, some people on this forum have been taking it too seriously.
Yeah from the way the people go on it seems as if they were hoping for another Matrix...I mean...its just a comedic movie!
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That's very true. Many people seem to expect too much from films now a days.
As much as i enjoy intellectual films with real sensitivity and depth, i like a laugh as much as the next person. Sometimes a corny comedy can be really good.
Yeah same, I like a great movie to make me think....I mean my fave movie is Donnie Darko.
But I still love anything light because its easy to take in and it leaves you feeling not overwhelmed....its just refreshing..
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