First off, Jet Li is a trained Wu-Shu champion and started training around the same age Bruce lee did ( about 9 or 10 years old)
Jet Li is most likely referring to how he is supposed to ACT, when he said he was more of an acrobat, instead of how he really fights.
True Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, etc. probably do use speeded up film at some points but at least they are really doing the actions.
I dont care whether the CGI duplicates use polygons or not becuase they look like *beep* anyway with or without them and if you are referring to one of my posts where I said ploygonal double or somethin it is becuase they looked so bad that a polygonal VIrtua Fighter character looks better then what was actually used in whatever film I was talking about.
Theres no beef with Bruce Lee, hes great nuff said
Steven Seagal started off as an martial arts advisor (he did one of Sean Connery's James Bond films and he broke Sean's arm in the process) and he went on to make some very successful films. Also, in Stanely Kubricks Full Metal Jacket, there is character by the name of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman who was a sadistic drill sargeant and he was very beleivable is doing so. Want to know why he was so beleivable? Becuase he was a REAL drill sargeant and was hired to do the roll becuase the director saw him drilling someone, for real, and wanted that same attitide for the role.
And, finally, yes I would like to see real murderers in movies, in fact, I would like to see real murders as well. I would really like to know what it really looks and sounds like to beat some one to death with a hammer or how one would remove a liver with nothing more then a spork and a toothpick.
Which reminds me, you cant have a real discussion about martial artists who become actors without mentioning Sonny Chiba. If you want to see the closest thing to real martial arts portrayed in movies, other then Bruce Lee's enter the Dragon, check out Sonny Chiba's Street Fighter series. There are no quick cuts (in fact the camara just roles, roles, roles, then roles some more then a cut or 2), speeded up film, CGI doubles, wires, or dance-like/acrobatic choreography. Just good old fashion Karate in all of it's brutal detail.