
I was wondering why she turned down Octavio near the end. I felt she just really never cared for him as he did for her. I also feel she maybe felt responsible for her husbands death in some way because he was trying to outdo Octavio getting himself killed. There also may have been some resentment the way he disrespected his brother. Why would Octavio object to her naming the son after his dad, he did not deserve the child's name to be in his own honor. This I feel pushed her over the edge.


Octavio was a flawed character, (having his brother beaten-up was harsh and unnecesary) but he was a better person and better partner for Susanna than Ramiro. He would have made a much better father too. Maybe Susanna felt guilty about Ramiro's death, or perhaps she just bottled out of the plan to run away with Octavio and used Ramiro's death an an excuse.


As I think about it I don't feel he would have been a good father as he wanted her to name his brothers kid after him. It was clear he had no brotherly love at all for him and she may have felt he would have no real fatherly love for his children. There is something really wrong for hating your brother as much as he did just because you are in love with his wife. He acted as if he owed herself to him.[Octavio] when his brother was killed. I believed she may have had someone else in mind to be the father.


Anyone could have been a better dad that does not mean he should be. He [Ramirez] had his faults but so does everyone to some point. I just feel as if he felt he was the one even though she made it clear he was not. On another note just because he was in love with her he seemed more of a drifter without a plan. Even there escape money would have been only temporary.


She says at the end that "we were the ones that were cheating." Right or wrong, she believes at the end that the affair she had with Octavio was wrong, and she feels guilty about it now that her husband was killed. She also believes that Octavio's harebrained schemes turned her life topsy-turvey and she doesn't want anymore of that (and is one of the main reasons she resisted his first plan to run away together, remember she said she didn't want more "trouble" earlier. She feels she went against her own instincts and that it backfired.)
