Anyone else...

Thought Kathy should stop her bitching about their money and get a freaking job? The money thing was one of the only things that bugged me about this movie. They can't afford a bigger apartment but can afford a live-in nanny? Who apparently only nannies because she doesn't cook or do windows (or much of anything that I saw). And Kathy seemed well old enough to get a damn job herself, or at least watch her little brother from time to time. The only reasoning I could see is maybe she's still in school. Ok, so wouldn't daycare be less expensive than a nanny?
In Stranger Eons


Bit cheeky anyway with trying to pass Shannon Elizabeth off as a teenager, she's pretty and all but she doesn't look like a teen here. The nanny was shoehorned in for comic relief I think so they needed a semi-plausible reason for her but yeah, daycares a better idea. The whole movie was a little grabby and patchy thought.

Spoiler below

Kalina was annoying too, all that time freeing trapped souls falls in love with cyrus and now she's evil? How? When? Why? Blargh!


Who said she didn't have a job? She could've worked. After their mom died, she felt she had to take care of her family. Nothing wrong with that.
