Which ghost did you feel the most sorry for?
For me it would probably have to be The Hammer, he was wrongfully accused of cheating and then they killed his wife and children. I bet if they had never killed his family he would have never killed them in retaliation.
I also felt bad for the Dire Mother and The Great Child.
The DM because of her horrible co-workers who hid her as a prank until she suffocated and the GC because his mother and probably the only person who ever cared about and loved him was taken from him.
I bet if these ghosts were treated differently then maybe they wouldn't have turned out so bad, it's like nature vs nurture, maybe some were born to be psychopaths but I believe that some may have been turned into "beasts" by the people around them.
1. The Juggurant (sp?) might not have ended up killing people if people didn't taunt and torment him all the time.
2. The Jackal might not have started targeting prostitutes and stuff if his mother wasn't one herself. I think that his back story might have said that she neglected him or something but I can't remember so maybe he associated prostitutes like being like his mother.
3. The Hammer (read above)
4. The Great Child (read above)
5. The Dire Mother (read above)
6. The Pilgrimness, I felt bad that everyone was accusing her of being a witch when she was more than likely completely innocent, anyone who has ever seen/read The Crucible knows that's some pretty serious stuff.
7. The Angry Princess I'm kind of on the fence about her but I am putting her on here because she more than likely had body dysmorphic disorder and she had a lot of boyfriends who always put her down.
I'm not including The Withered Lover into this speech thing because she didn't turn psycho or anything.
Ghosts that I didn't feel that bad for and thought they had it coming (not that they should have been killed or anything, they should have just been taught a lesson or something.)
1. The Bound Woman, she was a huge cheater who broke her boyfriend's heart, I think a great payback for her would be having someone she's deeply in love with cheat on her.
2. The Torso, he was a huge gambler and he tried to get out of his debt and I'm not big on people who break their promises. I'm not sure what an alternate payback besides murder would be for him.
3. The Torn Prince, he was a spoiled arrogant kid who died because he was drag racing with some other kid. He wasn't murdered, but I think that if he would have survived then he should have been benched for awhile until his ego deflated a little.
One I'm confused about where to put....
The First Born Son, from what I recall he was a spoiled brat but he didn't seem THAT bad, he sounded like a typical boy to me. He shouldn't have died because of it, his death though, I'm not sure if it was on accident or on purpose either.
That is my thoughts on the psychological nature of the ghosts and what I think about their back stories and stuff.
Sorry if the post is so long.