I just finished watching this movie for the first time. They are NOT in love, not in my point of view. Two boys can kiss each other in a threesome if they are very excited, stuff like that happens, trust me, and it have nothing to do with being gay or bisexual, it has all to do with being very very excited.
I think that they never see each other after that coffee because they are both very humiliate and ashame about what happens. Remember after the threesome, one of the boy throw up because he still had some taste of his friend in is mouth (from the kiss). If ur gay or bisexual, you dont want to throw up because of that, heterosexual does.
This was a very simple movie, it would make no sense if the end was complicated as you think, this is not what the director wanted us to think. As of the confession after the race in the water, obv he was upset that she has slept with is friend first, so that was a good time to tell him that, but you dont have to look further, it has nothing to do with being in love with is friend. As of the masturbation, come on..., every teenager have done it atleast once, it's part of discovering sexuality, they are both not experimented in term of sex, they are still kids. The end of the movie is clear: they grow up from this experience and they are ready to live their life like adult would do. Sometime, teenager friendship are no longer possible went you finally become mature because you no longer *fit* with each other personnality.
At the start of the movie, they are kids, at they end, they are both adults and ready to live their own life. Obv like I said earlier the kiss didnt help, they were very humiliate that they had kiss, it was not a confirmation of their love by any mean, it is just that sometime went you got a friend and ur only having fun with him, drugs, party and all and you never talk serious to him about life, a kiss like that can be repulsive because ur not ready to have a mature friendship with him. They know that they could no longer be together because each time they would do something like party or taking some beer they would think instinctively about that kiss and they would be ashame of that, not because they love each other, but because they did something *beep* does, so they are still immature in a way because they cant be friend knowing that. They think they kill their virility in a way, I dunno how to explain that.
Sorry for my english, it is difficult to explain, im a *beep* frenchy :)
Edit: Phoenix, let me respond to that part:
How close can best friends be? Straight people can do threesome like that, but everybody doesnt react the same way after it happens.
Is it normal for them to do these types of things together? When ur very excited, everything can happens, trust me.
Do best friends in real life go through these same emotions? Dunno what you mean exactly by that. Same as above.
Without Luisa and the trip, would Tenoch and Julio have remained friends, would they have become maybe even closer, like brothers? Yes they would have remain friend, dunno about closer, but for sure they would still be friend, except if they would had a experience or a trip like that after that would had change their life. Some people never totally *grow up*, they sure did, they were very immature before that trip, so the day they would experience something like a trip or a parent death or something like that, they might *grow up* and live their life separate from each other. It's that instrospection that make them *grow up*.
Or would the normal wear and tear of college, moving away, etc. doom them anyway like it does for so many friends? Also in their case, the class differences? I don't know, but this movie makes me think!!! Sorry for the long post..
Like I said, they would have stay together as long as they dont grow up and become real adult. Some people never grow up (inside), they sure did after that trip. So maybe another completely different experience could had make them grow up, we dont know, but for sure that particular experience was necessary for their evolution. I believe that it is possible that they grow up and still be friend, it all depend of the nature of the experience, but obv this one with the kiss and all make this impossible.
But I think the two main point is: 1) Heterosexual can kiss each other in a threesome if they are very excited ; 2) After a experience like that, a lot of people are no longer friend because they dont feel like they need to be friend anymore, but it has nothing to do with love or hate, life goes on. So basically, nobody here would live and react from this experience the same way.
Diarios de Motocycleta pretty much as the same ending of growing up and taking decision.
Btw, Y Tu Mama Tambien is one of the best movie of all time period.