Being influenced by outside reviews
I didn't see this film until about a year ago. I've heard about it, how great it was, how much money this film made. Long story short, I've heard about it's legacy long before ever seeing the film. So I went into this expecting to see a film nothing short of phenomenal. What I saw was a mediocre anime at best.
I can't help but wonder if all the hype I heard ruined my experience. The same thing happen with the Dark Knight, all the talk about Heath Ledger. I go and watch the film expecting nothing short of acting worthy of Brando, by the end I'm thinking that Nicholson's Joker was light years beyond Ledger.
I see that many other people didn't like Spirited Away, as I didn't either. I'm just wondering if anyone else's view of the film is being distorted by the hype around it. (Being let down by not living up to it's hype)
Now that I think about it, maybe no one should know anything about a film before seeing it. That way we can all have an untainted view of what ever film we're watching. Once I realized that my half of my opinion of Spirited Away was simply being let down by the hype around it. I wonder how many other films are being tainted by a bias mind.
I wonder if a person who has never heard of Star Wars (and it's legacy) was to watch the film, if they would like it.