Thoughts about the train?

I found the scene of Chihiro and friends travelling on the train to the sixth stop very beautiful and haunting (check out for the score of that). I remember that Kamajii commented that the train used to go both ways but now only travels one way.

What, if anything, do you think it symbolises? My own guess is that because she is still in the world of the spirit, the faceless figures on the train are human souls, but ones who don't see here, perhaps humans dying and passing on to a different destinations, perhaps depending upon their beliefs. Maybe those used to used to include reincarnation but now doesn't.

But I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Laura Ess


I like your interpretation.

Can't stop the signal.


Perhaps a Japanese version, in bright, primary colours, of the ferryman (the conductor) of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.🐭


I think it was definitely humans passing on but I don't think it doesn't go back because of something with reincarnation. I feel it means that humans used to be able to go to the spirit realm whenever they wished but times have changed and humans aren't as spiritual anymore so they can only come when it's their time and they can't go back.

Whatever the weather my ass! It's hot as hell out here!
