What was your first clue?
I'm curious. As a recent devotee of this film, (I've seen it lots of times over the past several weeks, but had barely ever heard of it before that) I would like to know what other fans think is the first time Eddie starts thinking of Jane as something more than a roommate or co-worker. The Chinese food scene? The New Year's Eve Party? The all-night snuggle? Also, are there any subtle clues as to whether or not Eddie is changing in other ways?
Jane's changes are more obvious, because she is the one telling the story, so she lets us in on her thought processes. But Eddie's are better hidden and I think it's great fun to look for them. Happy hunting.
"Maybe that's why we hold on so hard, because we just can't believe such a miracle could ever happen to us twice...but it can." -- Eddie Alden