What was your first clue?

I'm curious. As a recent devotee of this film, (I've seen it lots of times over the past several weeks, but had barely ever heard of it before that) I would like to know what other fans think is the first time Eddie starts thinking of Jane as something more than a roommate or co-worker. The Chinese food scene? The New Year's Eve Party? The all-night snuggle? Also, are there any subtle clues as to whether or not Eddie is changing in other ways?

Jane's changes are more obvious, because she is the one telling the story, so she lets us in on her thought processes. But Eddie's are better hidden and I think it's great fun to look for them. Happy hunting.

"Maybe that's why we hold on so hard, because we just can't believe such a miracle could ever happen to us twice...but it can." -- Eddie Alden


I think he starts looking at Jane as more than a coworker in the chinese food scene. I mean, he even forgets that the girl he just slept with is in his room. But I think he gains interest in her at the New Year's Eve party. He seems so desparate to get to her. As to the subtle clues, I think they may just be the fact that he seemed worried that she didn't have anything to do on New Years Eve (at least unbeknownst to him), He comforts her very well before the all night snuggle, he covers her ass (or at least tries to) at the meeting where she loses it, and I'm not sure if I'm correct in this but it seems that at the end of the movie, he stops spontaneously sleeping with random women. That's my take on things.


Agree with that - I was going to say the 'i can't sleep' scene.
also, though - he seems pretty insightful about her moods/etc right from the beginning.


That's a hard question. Hmmm...I'd say the chinese food thing is where it begins but ultimatly it's on New Years. He really knows her by then ("Why are you doing this to yourself?")and when he sees her at the party, he was quite adamant to get to her.
And obviously, by the "all-night-snuggle" part, he was definitly in love with her. It was pretty plainly expressed there.


i would say from the beginning of the movie. there's definite chemistry from him towards her in the form of sarcasm at the start. but every time she needs him he's right there for her.


there was always friendly chem.
but i'd say chinese food scene


I would say that they were already really good friends before the chinese food scene, and that he was starting to get bored with all of the random girls in his life. That's why he actually came out and spent time with her, rather than getting all busy in the bedroom. I think that he had been interested in her from the get-go, really, but it didn't slap him in the face until then.

What I really want to know is what kind of chinese food it was. I mean, it had noodles AND dumplings in the same container. Doesn't happen in MN, let me tell you that.

be the change you wish to see


well, other than the fact that it could have been just two different dishes combined by themselves (i've done that before...if its food that can go together, i just dump two leftovers into the same container to save space in the fridge)

but that being said...wasn't there two containers? (granted, i haven't seen this movie in like a year or so...) i could have sworn that jane had one and eddie had the other....

i think that eddie has always liked jane and respected her because she didn't instantly cave to his charm (but she didn't dislike him because of his ways...she nagged him about it and would insult him, but i never got the feeling that she was malicious about it...more like...friendly annoying) but i don't think there was any one scene that made me think "oh, he's totally into her now"....i think it was so gradual a change that there was no "turning point"


Actually, there are two cartons of Chinese food that she takes out of the fridge and are sitting just behind Hugh Jackman on the counter when Ashley is doing her cheerleader routine.

One thing vampire children have to learn early on is don't run with a wooden stake


i think it was more when she went on diane and said all those things that she really was in love with eddie and had been all this time. it just dawns on her that eddie was the one all along and that she should've gotten over greg quicker...that's how i see it.


After Eddie saw his ex at the yoga place. He had to get her out of his mind before he could let Jane in.

And maybe Jane had to see his reaction to his ex, to see that he could be more than a slut.



Decades later....my two cents :-)

When Jane meets Ray and swoons a bit - the director shows us Eddie looking at Jane, then making a remark about her being flushed...that was quite obvious I think.


In the book, he doesn't.
