MovieChat Forums > Someone Like You... (2001) Discussion > THEY CUT OUT THE TWIN TOWERS


Thunderbirds Aren't Slow

hello all.
i got this on video then i saw it on shy. There is a scene where greg kinnear and ashley judd are looking in an appartment, they go out to this huge balcony and the women says. "On a clear day you can see the world trade centre" This line is gone. I don't want to appear insenstive but the fact is they shouldn't try to pretend it never existed. it sould be kept, mentioned and looked on as a tribute to the brave soals who died on 9/11


I agree

He called me 'hot plates'! He sooo likes me...


I saw this movie on tv last night, and that line was left in.


Thunderbirds Aren't Slow

USA or UK? On sky it's removed!
don't ask me why


I just watched it on (UK) dvd tonight, and the line was definately left in. I remember it clearly, because they said the line, but you couldn't actually see the towers, and I found that a bit odd. With the emphasis placed on it, I would have expected the camera to pan out and show more of the view, but that's just me.


adapt and overcome ~ Viggo


I heard them say the line. Even like you said samantha we can't see it but oh well at least they mention it Right?


Mr. Hyde: So your the great Van Helsing!

Van Helsing: And your a derranged Physcopath!


i have it on dvd and the line is still in it & you can see the towers on the left side of the screen.


Yeah, the brave ``soals``.


I watched it on DVD last night, and the line and the towers were there.
I wasn't sure when the movie came out when I watched it. When that scene came on, I knew it was around or before 2001.


the brave soals...

Learn how to spell SOUL first!


"On a clear day you can see the world trade centre" This line is gone. I don't want to appear insenstive but the fact is they shouldn't try to pretend it never existed"

Oh MAN... That SUCKS !! I didn't know that. I'm glad I have the old version of the movie.

It's really sad how DETERMINED we are to complete the job those terrorists began. They eliminated the towers physically, and now the media is eliminating them in every other possible way. The terrorists are probably happy about it. It's like we agree with them and are finishing the job.



Just watched it on HBO, and the line is there, as are the towers in the distance.


Just saw it on Netflix and the line and the towers are there. It did take me out of the moment, but I'm glad they left it in.

I understand. Thank you for telling me. -The masked bandit
