I'm the biggest pessimist of seeing my favorite books and games made I to movies; I'm always afraid they're going to turn it into crap. But for some reason, I feel like this particular game would make a great movie...but it would have to be done right. It would have to have the same humor and NOT be attempted to a super action flick.
I like to compare it to The Princess Bride. Princess bride took a common storyline of a girl/princess in distress, in a situation of riches and royalty, but still unhappy, and a romantic manly hero out to save her. But along with that, there is so much satire, but not touch to make it seem like Saturday Night Live, out to insult every romantic film of the past. Monkey Island would have to be made this way to not let down the fans of the original game.
It's possible, but it needs to be kept out of the hands of people like Michael Bay, James Cameron, and Jerry Bruckheimer.