more play than movie

This movie was terrible. As a play it was alright. It is certainly was not one of chevy's funnier roles, it was decidedly bland and frankly immensely boring. I really wonder how anyone got any laughs out of this watching it as a movie. It's a play through and through. And having said that it is not a play I would go and see. Thank god I didn't pay to watch this.


Some scenes even looked as though they had just filmed a play. I laughed a few times, nothing worth mentioning. It's too bad Chevy Chase doesn't seem to get good material to work with these days, cuz he can be one funny bast ard!!

"'Scuse me if I smell like piss , you know how it goes..."


It definately gives the viewer the sense that you're watching a play rather than a movie, especially with the over obvious sound stage sets they used and how so much of it took place in a few rooms in the house with characters just entering through doors, saying their lines, setting up gags, and then exiting
