I notice that people say 'this is crap' as if their opinion is fact for everyone. I found it funny. Notice I use 'I' to denote it is MY opinion and leaves open the possibility that others might have another view. Like when people say 'you will love this!'. How do they now? Are they psychic?
So people should word their dislike differently? instead of saying this movie is pure and total *beep* I should say "I think this movie is pure and total *beep* But, the real fact is, this isn't a matter of opinion, this movie is in fact a huge turd.
"So people should word their dislike differently?"
Should? People should eat low GI foods... People should exercise at least 4 days for at least 20 minutes... People should eat their own head after making a social faux pa. I don't care what people 'should' do. I have to be quick as the hospital staff are on their way for dispensing of medication and lock up so I'll .... ..... "no.. wait.. no.. arrggghh.. that hurts.. what the???... .....................................
I was just thinking. Apparently we are on a spot of rock spinning around a ball of fire in a massive universe of billions of planets etc. talking about a movie as if this is all life is about. OK... lots of people have pondered what is beyond the universe. Wondered about other universes and dimensions. Surely there is more to life than just this? Or maybe there's not... maybe we are just an unplanned occurrence ready for annihilation at the snap of cosmic fingers. WOW! I'M GETTING ALL EXCITED HERE! Nurse! Nurse! I've made a mistake in my pants again.
This was an extremely funny film -- no more, no less. It was in the tradition of the great screwball comedies of the '30s and '40s. It began with an extremely ridiculous event and got crazier and crazier as it moved along. Hats off to the writers, cast and production team. They pulled this farce off beautifully!
This movie had to be in the TOP 10 movies that suck of the last 50 years.
It's pure garbage. It's not a wonder why Chevy doesn't have a career in Movies these days. He couldn't PAY someone to hire him because he's JUST NOT FUNNY and has always been WAY, WAY, WAY, OVER-RATED as an actor and as a comedian.
People forget that he was ONLY on Saturday Night Live for just 1 season and even in that he was just hired to do the "Weekend Update" segments and was not a true fulltime player like John Bulushi and Dan Ackroyd were.
But people who are fighting over this movie whether it's bad or good, well there is NO argument on the face of this planet that this movie is good. Because it's total S H I T.
I took the DVD home the other day and even just the DVD had my house smelling of turds. And I didn't even open the case.
It's trite, cliched, over-used garbage, not original at all and the production values were that of a Junior-high school production on their first day of class.
If Chevy never makes another movie for the rest of his life then it will be too soon.
The only movei that he's made that was even worth a S HIT was the first Caddyshack and he just played a small part and let the truly funny people shine like Rodney Dangerfield/
Hmm, Anewkird, I'd have to disagree with....absolutely NOTHING you just wrote. Good summation of this aberration, your comments should be in the "plot" section for this steaming pile.
This garbage played in only 4 screens and made less than $2,000 at the box office on its opening weekend. By any conceivable definition, this "movie" is an utter and complete failure. The worst thing one can say about a comedy is that it is not funny. There was not one smile, let alone a laugh, to be had anywhere. Chevy Chase's career is over.
I watched the DVD to study one of the characters, since I am in the cast for an upcoming production by a community theatre company. I can assure you that the source material, a British farce, is very, very funny. The movie adaptation was a disaster, as was the acting, directing, and editing. The only nice thing I can say about the movie is that the camera lenses were focused and that the music was acceptable. Other than that, this is complete trash.
I agree that it's a cheesy movie, but I really enjoyed it. It's important to see it till the end, not just the first 30 minutes where the story was just developing :)