I read in 2002 in a french magazine that when the studios worked on a new Trek series they wanted to do a show featuring Hikaru Sulu (played by Takei) as the captain of the enterprise. It would have taken place between ST VI and TNG. I don't recall exactly the reason why it was aborted, and why they ended up with Enterprise instead. Do you know more about this ? I never found any clues about this.
I read that Takei wanted a show of his own, but it never happened. He was a lousy captain anyway and wouldn't be very interesting as the lead character in a series.
I certainly am. And further more, he would have brought even more cups of tea onto the bridge which would cause yet more health & safety hazards as they tipped all over the place.
This show was supposed to take place with Hikaru Sulu
Not true. Takei often tried to push a series of his own, but it was never actually in the making, as Paramount wasn't interested. Some magazines and websites did some shoddy reporting and claimed a Sulu series was in the works, but that simply wasn't true. It was entirely self-marketing on Takei's part.
I don't read or respond to private messages. Sorry. reply share
Also the problem ST-6 established 1701-A would be decommissioned and ST-GEN showing launch of 1701-B. Takei greatly overestimates the importance of Sulu to the Star Trek universe.
I've also read that per Takei, ST: Generations was originally supposed to be a "Captain Sulu" movie.
That's what George might believe but I heard all of the cast of TOS were asked to reprise their role on Generations but that Nimoy,DeForest,Nichols and Takei declined.
And there is also the story (from Shatner) that during the filming of ST VI they had wanted the complete cast of TOS on the bridge of the Enterprise for the final shot but George had to stay on the Excelsior because "he was captain now"to which Shatner replied "George it's just a movie just a part"
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And there is also the story (from Shatner) that during the filming of ST VI they had wanted the complete cast of TOS on the bridge of the Enterprise for the final shot but George had to stay on the Excelsior because "he was captain now"to which Shatner replied "George it's just a movie just a part"