The nurse may be over-identifying, but it seems she is doing so only to compensate for the doctors' total lack of empathy.
I think I know what part you're talking about - when she's saying that the code status is totally up to Dr. Bearing, but in an almost indignant tone? The popsicle scene?
In my humble opinion, the nurse went about giving Dr. Bearing the facts in the right way. It wasn't fair of Dr. Kelekian to NOT tell Bearing up until that point about her condition. Actually, the nurse doesn't come right out and say it, if I remember correctly.. Bearing knowingly guesses she's not improving before the nurse can say anything.
So yeah, I suppose the nurse is interfering here, but I would say it's entirely called for. Kelekian and Jason seem to be prolonging Bearing's suffering (by not telling her the treatment is failing earlier) in order to continue their research. The nurse simply cares about Bearing's well-being. I'd say by giving her the truth, the nurse gives Bearing all the freedom she needs to make her decision.. I mean, if I was suffering like that without hope of recovery, I doubt the tone of a caretaker's voice would have much at all to do with my choosing a DNR status.