The message(s)

I'm not sure if I liked/agree with some of the messages in the film. First, I have seen a documentary detailing the slow hospital bed deaths of three people, and this is only slightly less horrible than the real thing.

That said, I feel the behaviour of the "doctors" to be a bit ridiculous. Showing that doctors are interested in prestige above all else, when in reality these are people that devote their lives to helping people is absurd. Cancer is not the only disease in the world. There are endless researchers to which we should be grateful for reducing or eliminating things like tuberculosis, leprosy, small pox, etc... Even cancer has a smaller impact than it would otherwise because of the hard work of so many people.

Similarly, the message that a life spent obtaining knowledge is somehow pointless is just as ridiculous. Beyond religious solutions, what is the point of our existence? Is it happiness? If that were the case, we should all be lobotomized, or hand out cocaine like candy. It's a good thing that people are happy, but it is not the end goal of humanity. In fact, I would say that ending suffering is a more important goal than propagating happiness. The only way to end suffering is through our search for knowledge, and is the only real goal worth pursuing. Yeah, Vivian's intellect could have been put to better use than teaching english (maybe like health research?), but she can still take pride in knowing she contributed to the future by teaching students. In fact if Jason goes on to cure cancer, or at least contributes progress to that goal that eventually is reached, then Vivian herself has indirectly contributed to it as well. What does it matter how many people are around us and love us when we die, if we have contributed nothing to the future? To anyone who would say something like "you are going to die lonely and miserable", do you not realize not wanting that is a selfish desire? No matter how miserable and lonely your death, I can guarantee there is someone else who has died an even more miserable and lonely one.

astrolupine: even with makeup, you can't make an actor's face look like a chair



A few points. First, what makes for a contribution to the future is a purely personal judgment, not a universal value.
Draw the line wherever you like.
Second, what matters about the absence of companionship at one’s death should be self-evident: we are social beings, not islands.

There is your misconception. We are not necessarily social beings. There are spectrums for both the social and intellectual aspects of peoples personalities: some of us are very social, not at all intellectual, some are vice-versa, or both, or neither, though social and intellectual do often vary inversely.
The mind can rationalize such isolation, but not the heart.
The "heart" is just a pointless extension of the mind, the non-conscious parts' pathetic attempts to persuade or control the conscious parts. Wanting to be loved is a selfish desire. Being loved doesn't contribute to anyone or anything except yourself.
Three, there isn’t necessarily a connection between one’s “contribution to the future” and “how many people are around us and love us when we die.” For example, despite Dr. Bearing’s contribution as a scholar, it was a character flaw that isolated her. And that’s what the film keys on.
I'm saying there is no flaw. Bearing has no reason to feel regret about anything, and instead should feel proud that her life gave more to mankind as a whole than most people (especially social people), at the expense of herself. She is a hero.

astrolupine: even with makeup, you can't make an actor's face look like a chair



I am here to argue for fun. Slogging through your pretentious fluff is not fun, and is a waste of time. There's no reason why you have to be so wordy. I'm sure some people are impressed by your ability to over-write, but I'm not. If this means I lose, I don't really care, I have no desire to read anymore inflated writing.

astrolupine: even with makeup, you can't make an actor's face look like a chair




"Oh, I think that's really your ego typing there. And I bet deep down you know that's true."

no everything I said is the truth. (more like it's your ego doing your typing considering you keep boasting about your posts.)

"Unprovoked slurs always advertise insecurity."

I'm not slurring you, everything I said is the truth. I am here to enjoy a good argument. You will find I'm not your average poster, as I am not here to win, I am here to toss around some ideas and see what we can come up with. I don't even care if what you posted is argumentatively valid, I just don't want to waste my time slogging through your excessive posting. You win. I am wrong and you are right. I have no desire to speak with you further.

If there is anyone who wants to discuss my points and can contain their diction, feel free to reply.

astrolupine: even with makeup, you can't make an actor's face look like a chair



I kid you not, my face hit my hand upon reading this.

He professes to attain some greater understanding yet belies this by saying he can't be bothered to read the post...

@Mango: The odd's of you revisting this board again are slim to none, but with that attitude, what you seek sir, despite what you may say, is a quick and easy "win".

@easypz: Thanks you. I had not caught that bit about her saying she was going to back to library, nor the fact that her teacher had quoted her Hamlet.

@cwchuroc: Yes. I believe the second time the nurse asks her if she wants her to contact anyone (because she hadn't seen a single visitor yet), her response is no; That she does not want to see anyone, nor anyone to see her. Or something along those lines...
