My thoughts on rewatch
I watched Fat Girl today for the third time. Brilliantly directed by Catherine Breillat, the film stars Anaïs Reboux as Anaïs,a chubby 12 year old girl and focuses on her relationship with her older sister and their ideas and experiences regarding growing up and sexuality. This is a powerful film that packs a punch. It's uncompromising, compelling, and memorable. I though young Anaïs Reboux is excellent in her performance. She is brave, bold, fierce, and vulnerable in a challenging and complex role. Roxane Mesquida is very good too as the older sister. Breillat isn't afraid to take risks in the film and makes some bold decisions that won't sit well with some viewers, but this film really worked for me. The ending may seem out of nowhere, but I thought it was really effective and well executed. There is some ambiguity in the film and what it may or may not be saying. I think it is certainly open to interpretation, at least in part, and for this type of film that approach works better. If there was an obvious stated moral to the story or message, it might dilute the power of the film. Granted, this is not always an easy film, but for me,it is a worthwhile and rewarding one. 9/10.