How the hell is Fat Girl not child pornography?
I just saw Fat Girl last night. I have one question-How the hell is this not child pornography? What exactly is the purpose of seeing a 12 year old girls breasts? Or for that matter, a 15 year old girl being anally raped while her sister watches across the room?
Don't get me wrong. I actually enjoyed the premise of the film dealing with a love/hate relationship between two sisters and how physical appearance and the desire to be loved can distort a person's rationalality. However, some things are just better left to the imagination.
In my opinion, Fat Girl is simply child pornography in disguise. I have no doubt that Breillat included the gratuitously graphic sex scenes in order to sexually arouse members of the audience.
As sad as this sounds, I am certain Fat Girl was a guilt-free means for thousands of pedophiles looking to pleasure themselves without the risk of prosecution.