MovieChat Forums > À ma soeur ! (2001) Discussion > How the hell is Fat Girl not child porn...

How the hell is Fat Girl not child pornography?

I just saw Fat Girl last night. I have one question-How the hell is this not child pornography? What exactly is the purpose of seeing a 12 year old girls breasts? Or for that matter, a 15 year old girl being anally raped while her sister watches across the room?

Don't get me wrong. I actually enjoyed the premise of the film dealing with a love/hate relationship between two sisters and how physical appearance and the desire to be loved can distort a person's rationalality. However, some things are just better left to the imagination.

In my opinion, Fat Girl is simply child pornography in disguise. I have no doubt that Breillat included the gratuitously graphic sex scenes in order to sexually arouse members of the audience.

As sad as this sounds, I am certain Fat Girl was a guilt-free means for thousands of pedophiles looking to pleasure themselves without the risk of prosecution.


I agree with you with the whole child pornography thing. I thought it was totally uncalled for to have the 13 year old actress lift up her nightgown and expose her breasts in that scene. And I found it totally disturbing when they show her breasts again in the rape scene. I don't know what Breillat's point was in that. If you watch the dvd , there are extras and in one point of the featurette the actress that plays, Anais(just so happens her real name is Anais)claims that she didn't really want to do any nude scenes but that she talked herself into it. I don't know but to me it seemed that she was also worried about disappointing Breillat if she didn't. Know what I mean?! So much pressure for a 13 year old. Should I appear nude or not?!

Why don't we just cuddle instead



Hey it just goes to show what people are willing to do to be famous .or get themselves out there.its sad to have read that statement about that girl having to talk herself into doing it .a child shouldn't have to deal with such adult choices like that .this director is obviously a closeted diddler .maybe he wont admit consciously but sub consciously he is.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least if this girl grows up all *beep* up doing porn film's .If any director or actor feels they have to go to those lengths to show "art" .they need seriously re think their job descriptions and what they want to do and where they belong..its obvious to me this guy should be directing porn..not child porn of course . you cant just blame him you have to put blame on every director who is willing to go this far "for the sake of art" which is complete *beep* that's a phrase that should be earned .not just tossed around like a tennis ball .from the synopsis the story seems good..but based off what i read from on here .i will not be seeing this movie EVER


Sex is a part of humanity. It's part of growing up. It's part of life. It can be beautiful, or it can be ugly. Pedophiles will look at children no matter what. Americans have hangups about sex that Europeans simply don't. The French weren't raised with the puritanical, largely fundamentalist Christian background to which the majority of Americans were subjected.

Twelve-year-old girls have breasts. Fifteen-year-old girls have breasts and genitals. I personally lost my virginity at fifteen, and I'm not traumatized for it, and I wasn't traumatized by seeing a film in which two young actresses, both old enough to make their own decisions, bravely explored their sexuality. Pretending adolescent sexuality doesn't exist doesn't make it go away. If you watch the extras on the DVDs, there's an interview with Anais in which she talks very frankly about her decision to make the film and her feelings about making it. She is impressively wise beyond her years.

If there are pedophiles renting French art films to get their jollies, they're probably going out of their way. Why not just surf about the internet for ten minutes (or less?) To me, Fat Girl is actually a very innocent, if brutal, film about sexual coming of age. I wish there were more films that explored the things I was feeling when I was a young adolescent, standing in front of the mirror staring at my body for hours, comparing myself to everyone I knew.


"A ma soeur"
Disturbing? Yes.
(Child) pornography? No way!

"When there is no more room in the oven,
the Bread will walk the earth."


I <3 you. Seriously. Well said.


Pornography is meant to be sexually stimulating, the sex scenes in Fat Girl were (clearly) meant to be thought provoking and disturbing.

I worry about people who automatically think of eroticism when they see breasts. There was nothing erotic about Anais' breasts being shown. It underscored her youth as they were clearly not the fully developed breasts of a woman. It made the rape scene even more disturbing - which any rape scene should be.


You're a friggin moron if you think pedos are going to look for obscure French art films to pleasure themselves "guilt-free." I doubt if guilt weighs heavily on the mind of a pedo when they watch porn.


You honestly believe this is child pornography? It is art. I have a friend who has previously worked as a cop and helped many times to bust pedophiles distributing pornography. I can tell you, you can take any thoughts you have of this being child pornography and multiply it by 1000 and you still won't comprehend how disturbing real childpornography is. He has stumbled upon some of the most disturbing thing.

And in reality, sex is common amongst 13 year olds these days - unfortunately. Perhaps that may sound like *beep* using the word common, but I've worked part time in back in high school talking to suicidial children aged 12-14, and while I don't like it, many of them have had sex and been abused.

You're going a bit to far as to say this film was a guilt-free means for pedophiles to get off. You want to see guilt-free means? Check out those pathetic 'child modeling' websites in which parents force their kids to model in skimpy baithing suits posing in sexual poses for extra cash and sell it online. The ugly thing about those sites? They're legit.

While I'm not supporting pedophilia (and trust me, I'm not), calling a film and its director a pedophile is a bit far.


I heard that the actors who played the young girls are actually of proper age. I don't know how true it is but I saw it on an interview awhile back.
I must say it was a disturbing, yet terrific piece of work. Just do what I did if you are comfortable with the sex scenes...close your eyes!!!


If you look it up on this site, you can find their ages.

All you porno paranoids need to go back to church and stop watching anything except what your church tells you to watch.

Leave the art to the people with open minds to appreciate it.


some people are just insecure.


lol. I don't remember any rape scene in this film and I watched it 48 hrs ago. Yes it was crap. Yes it tried to shock to cover up the fact that there wasn't really a story or decent plot here at all but it wasn't rape it certainly wasn't pornography. Statutory rape yes. But no forceful sex. Psychologically forcing someone into sex is not physical rape



Yes that person probably did see the cut version but the rape scene (uncut) is hardly graphic.
So you see the girls breasts. Big deal.

Words like "wrap" seem to romanticise it a bit. She didn't embrace the rapist but simply stopped resisting. Also the rape scene isn't brutal. I wouldn't say that he "stuffed her underwear in her mouth" for example, but I would say that he put her underwear in her mouth.

And that's all i have to say about that. For now.



Did I say graphic? I said NOTICABLE. As in: cannot be missed.
Also, getting stuck on a few words hardly change the
basic idea. And who said brutal?

Umm, I did? And yes I realise you didn't say graphic, but noticable.
Thanks for pointing it out though. [rolleyes]

You all need to calm down here. I was just saying what I thought. I thought it was not brutal etc. Anybody could have replied to that if they wanted. I wasn't particularily wanting to discuss it and I certainly wasn't "being anal" I was just adding that part because I thought it described the scene a bit better. To make it clearer to those who didn't see the rape part.

Read it again and calm the hell down.

And that's all i have to say about that. For now.


Although I do agree with a lot of your points I wouldn't call what happened between Elena and Fernando anal rape. I believe that part was consentual whereas the part at the end of the film certainly was rape and was, from a directorial standpoint, a terribly uncreative way to end the movie.

However, I think you are going a little over the edge again when you say that Breillat made some of these sex scenes (not the last one at least) with the intent of arousing the audience. Thats pushing it. I'm pretty sure she wasn't sitting around thinking that she should add some child rape to sexually arouse the audience (as she holds a pitchfork and sits in a throne).

Calm down.


I didn't feel that the sex scenes were intended to arrouse. I found them to be unsettling and sad. It didn't really occur to me that someone might be arroused.

Have you talked to your Doctor about the movies you watch? -My Grandma


I agree, the sex between Elena and Fernando was consentual. Of course the rape scene at the end is disturbing-How could you ever have a rape scene that is easy to watch? Nobody enjoys rape scenes (at least not sane people) but to say that this film is child porn is wrong in my opinion.

You're Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Jackass!
