I'm watching it right now, and I feel like she had to weigh more than the character weighed in the book. It's been a while since I saw the movie, but when I read the book, I felt like she was making a big deal about 10 pounds (I also assumed she was average height, not Renee Zellweger short). But in the movie, especially in the scenes where she's wearing bare clothes, she looks very heavy. I found an article that said the actress tried to be a size 14 for the role (supposedly the "average" size). But I am the same height as Renée Zellweger, weigh about what the character in the book weighed, and I am around a size 4-6. Of course, I have muscle tone, which Bridget did not. Still, I thought they got it wrong. I never pictured this character as being that heavy, just a slightly heavy young woman. When they talk about the "average" size, they're factoring in a lot of women who have had babies and never lost the weight. Also, part of the point of the story was that Bridget was holding herself to an unrealistic standard, i.e., "having it all" syndrome. That's not really true if she actually DOES need to lose 30+ lbs.